Edhird's Blog

Restoring Health: body, mind and spirit

Yoga: More than Meets the Eyes?



Ed Hird by tree

By the Rev. Dr. Ed Hird

You may find this a stretching article in body, mind and spirit.  I have intentionally avoided writing this article for years, because I knew that it might be unavoidably controversial.  To be honest, I have been waiting for someone else to write this article instead of me.  Like most pastors, I want people to like me.   With genuine reluctance, I eventually faced my conflict avoidance, obeyed the Lord and read hundreds of yoga books in our local public libraries.  In preparing this article, I have not read one book which warns against yoga.  All book citations in this article are from yoga advocates and practitioners.

               To many people, yoga is just the hottest new exercise fad for younger women.  Twenty million North Americans are now doing yoga, including around four million men.  These twenty million people are currently being trained by over 70,000 yoga practitioners in at least 20,000 North American locations.[1]  Many people equate yoga with simple stretching.  Stretching and calisthenics are good things which I participate in weekly at the local gym.  The term ‘calisthenics’ comes from the combination of two Greek words ‘kallos’: beauty and ‘sthenos’: strength. Calisthenic exercises are designed to bring  bodily fitness and flexibility of movement.  Yoga has not cornered the market on healthy stretching and calisthenics.  Is it possible that physical fitness does not begin and end on a yoga mat?  I am convinced that we do well when we take care of our bodies as part of our Christian stewardship.  God wants us to be healthier in body, mind, and spirit. We all need to get back to the gym on a regular basis, whatever our views of yoga.  Your body will thank you.

Science of Yoga Book

I unknowingly participated in yoga, in the form of martial arts, for twenty years before renouncing it.[2]  Many people are unaware that martial arts is yoga in motion, and originated with Buddhist monks.  After much prayer, I reluctantly gave it up because I didn’t want any gray area in my Christian life.   It is not an easy or light thing for someone to renounce this, even as a Christian.  For many, it is absolutely unthinkable.  To even imagine giving it up may leave some feeling unexpectedly threatened or even angry.  Most of us are more defensive and more emotionally attached than we imagine.  In hindsight, I realized that the ritual motions and postures (asanas or katas) had gotten very deep into my psyche, shaping my very identity.[3]  Somehow over twenty years, they had become ingrained in me and even became part of me.  Without intending it, I was to some degree serving two masters.  This was a hard truth for me to accept. Change is never easy.  I have heard of one Christian who is so entrenched in yoga that they have vowed to never give up yoga even if God himself told them to stop.  It makes you wonder sometimes who is in charge of our lives.

              Historically yoga was only taught in secret to high-caste male Brahmins.[4]  It was very much a guy thing for the wealthy and powerful.   In recent years, North American yoga has largely stripped itself of its more obvious Eastern trappings: gurus, incense, Sanskrit, and loin cloths.[5]  It has gone through a remarkable image makeover in a relatively short time period.  Yoga classes and paraphernalia have become a ten-billion+ dollar consumer-driven industry, involving designer spandex, yoga mats, and DVDs.[6]  Old-time Yoga purists have called this new development the yoga industrial complex.  There is so much money to be made that some yoga teachers have been unsuccessfully suing other yoga teachers over alleged copyright violation of specific yoga asana postures. In some parts of North America, yoga moms are replacing the demographic of soccer moms.  Yoga has become such a strongly entrenched cultural fad that in some parts of North America it is being taught to children, often using tax-payers’ money, in otherwise strictly secular public school systems.  Spiritually speaking, yoga has replaced the Lord’s Prayer which, you will remember, was bounced from our children’s classrooms for being too religious.  The unquestioned assumption is that yoga has no religious connection.

             This North American yoga industry has registered thousands of copyrights, patents and trademarks, sometimes resulting in threatening lawsuits.[7]  The Indian Government is so concerned about the yoga copyrighting that they have set up their own task-force to protect yoga from being pirated by Westerners:

“Yoga piracy is becoming very common, and we are moving to do something about it,” says Vinod Gupta, the head of a recently established Indian government task force on traditional knowledge and intellectual-property theft.

‘We know of at least 150 asanas [yoga positions] that have been pirated in the U.S., the UK, Germany and Japan,’ he says. ‘These were developed in India long ago and no one can claim them as their own.’ In an effort to protect India’s heritage, the task force has begun documenting 1,500 yoga postures drawn from classical yoga texts — including the writings of the Indian sage, Patanjali, the first man to codify the art of yoga.”[8]

Bhagavita                 There are seven main kinds of yoga: Hatha Yoga, Bhakti Yoga (devotion), Karma Yoga (action), Jnana Yoga (wisdom), Mantra Yoga, Tantra Yoga, and Raja Yoga (royal).   In the 15th Century AD Hatha Yoga Pradipika, its first three verses teach that the ignorant masses are not yet ready for the lofty Raja Yoga, and so Hatha Yoga has been developed as a “staircase” to lead them to Raja Yoga. [9]   The most popular yoga offered in one’s local Recreation Center is Hatha Yoga, so-called physical yoga involving numerous yoga techniques called asanas.  These yogic asanas appear to the uninitiated as if they are just stretching exercises.  The more fully initiated realize that yogic asanas are actually worship postures to Hindu deities.   The yoga insiders all know the real scoop.  They also know that North Americans are not quite ready yet for the full truth about the religious identity of yoga.  My question is this: Is it really honest and respectful to pretend yoga is just a physical activity without any spiritual implications?[10]  More importantly, should people get themselves bent out of shape over Christians doing yoga?

              For many Westerners, all that matters is that something seems to be working.  We rarely look under the hood of our cars.   Our practical bent is both a great strength and a greater weakness.  We naively think that we can arrogantly detach anything from its heritage, and snatch its alleged benefits without any downside.   Yoga has been carefully repackaged to appeal for North Americans to our strongly pragmatic side.  The yogic philosophy is initially minimized.  Some yoga advocates claim that  asanas are just poses, and mantras are just words.   Context becomes everything.  To argue that asanas and mantras have no inherent meaning is itself an unquestionably reductionistic statement.  It is ultimately meaningless to suggest that yoga is meaningless.  Is it really as easy to secularize yogic Hinduism as we individualistic North Americans may think?

                I.K. Taimini, Indian scholar and chemist, wrote that there is no subject like yoga which is so wrapped up in mystery and on which one can write whatever one likes without any risk of being proved wrong.[11]  The religion of Hinduism however is more than just cows, karma and curry.  Yoga is the very heart of Hinduism.  Yoga is the Hindu word for salvation.  Nine out of ten Hindus agree that yoga is Hinduism.[12]  Without yoga, there is no Hinduism.  Without Hinduism, there is no yoga.  There is no historical evidence for the popular New Age belief that yoga predates Hinduism and was originally non-religious. For those of you who believe that ‘secular’ yoga predates Hinduism, I invite you to email me your source document or weblinks for this often-heard claim.

In yoga asanas, one re-enacts the story of a particular Hindu deity, identifying as that specific deity.  According to Sanskritist Dr. N. Sjoman, verses from the 19th century yoga text Maisuru Maisiri  clearly indicate that “the asanas are assumed to have an inner nature that is associated with their specific name.”  The hand postures (mudras) in Hatha Yoga are a replication of the same hand postures in the statues of Hindu gods.  Yoga is spiritual embodiment.   Is it mere coincidence that yogic asanas and mudras re-enact the exact shape and position of Hindu graven images and deities?  The mudras are used to channel psychic energy through the body to alter consciousness.  They facilitate the process of yogic Self-Realization, and are designed to awaken and activate the root yogic chakra (psychic wheel).

Unlike Judaism, Christianity and Islam, one does not have to believe in  or worship something in order to be impacted by Hinduism.  This systemic religious difference is hard for many westerners to comprehend.  Because all in Hinduism is seen as maya or illusion, belief for yogic Hinduism is nice but not initially necessary.  Nothing is what it appears to be.  The actual belief or meaning structure is often introduced much later at a deeper level of initiation.  Because Hinduism is technique-based, the mere performance of the yogic asana, with or without belief, is sufficient to open up the chakra energies which produce the psychic interaction.[13]   Similar to the way that psychoactive drugs have mental, emotional and even spiritual impact regardless of what one knows about them, yoga also has a chemical impact regardless of one’s yoga knowledge or belief.  The initial irrelevance of belief and worship is one of the reasons why yoga practitioners often promote yoga to North Americans as either non-religious or religiously neutral.[14]  Transcendental Meditation, a form of Mantra yoga, initiated countless westerners with Sanskrit puja rituals that were never explained to them, but still had a significant impact on their core identity.[15]  Yoga is inescapably religious in a way that most North Americans will not notice.[16]   This is why many well-meaning North American Christians have uncritically or unwittingly opened their spirit to yogic Hindu philosophies that clash with  Christ’s teaching.

The term ‘yoga’ comes from the Sanskrit word ‘yug’, which means to yoke.  Few people in community centre yoga classes ask what they are yoking themselves to.  Yogic practice is designed to yoke or bring psychic union with Brahman, the highest of the Hindu deities.  What looks to us like simple stretches are in fact powerful psychic techniques that have been shown to change the very core of our consciousness.  The purpose of yoga is to produce a mind-altering state that fuses male and female, light and darkness, good and evil, god and humanity.[17]  As the best-selling author Deepak Chopra said in The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga:

“Krishna teaches Arjuna (in the Bhagavad Gita) the essence of yoga, telling him that good and evil, pleasure and pain, and loss and gain are two sides of the same coin of life.   The solution that yoga offers is to go beyond the realm of duality and become established in the state of being that is beyond time, space and causality….Krishna tells Arjuna, ‘Go beyond the realm of good and evil where life is dominated by beginnings and endings.   Enter into the domain of yoga where all duality finds its unity…”[18]

  nataraja            Good and evil in yogic philosophy are ultimately just two sides of the same coin. All is one. The term ‘Hatha Yoga’ refers to the union of the sun (ha or male) and moon (tha or female) into one monistic whole.  Some scholars translate Hatha Yoga as ‘violent union’.[19]   The definitive symbol of yoga is the Nataraj asana, known as the dancing Shiva who ‘dances’ destruction upon any distinctions (avidya) between the Creator and creation, good and evil, male and female.[20]  Yoga philosophy believes that all matter and differences are illusion, and that all illusions can be overcome by the performance of yoga rituals.  Yoga  works systemically  to alter biochemical functions, including our hormones and endocrine system.  The so-called physical activity in Hatha Yoga is meant to achieve a changed state of consciousness, eliminating the distinction between subject [self] and object. Yoga is designed to gradually disconnect one’s thoughts and sensory perceptions from one’s sense of self and identity.  The result is a profound loss of personhood and individuality in an age when many people are already very confused about who they are.  Advanced yoga produces the impression that one no longer exists.  This perception can be very convincing.

               Yoga is the primary technique used by the yogis in attempting to become gods themselves.    Through mantric yoga chanting and asanas, the mind experiences both sensory deprivation and sensory overloading, causing a shutting down of the mind.  Unlike Christian prayer and meditation on God’s Word, the purpose of Eastern yogic meditational practices is to ‘kill the mind’.   Mantra or breath yoga causes one to enter into a meditational trance state in which the mind is first silenced and then emptied.  The ‘killing of the mind’ produces the experience of differences disappearing and all becoming one.   Yoga was crafted and developed to enable an escape from rational thinking and a direct access by nonverbal means to a specific psychic state.  Many would hold that yogic Hinduism produces a trance state through self-induced hypnosis.   Is it fair to wonder if intensive yoga has effects similar to psychological brain-washing techniques?  Is it merely accidental that yoga has the ability to cause a blanking of our minds, an actual cessation of our thought processes?   Will community centre yoga classes in the future be required to alert prospective candidates to  such risks, similar to warnings on cigarette packaging?

               While yogic philosophy is polytheistic, it is also monistic, in the sense that it holds that, through yoga, we become the universe and/or god.[21]  Yoga is the primary way that yogis attempt to be liberated from the karmic bondage of endless reincarnation.  While these tenets are rarely taught at community center yoga classes, they are often held by the community center yoga instructor who has gone to a deeper level of yogic initiation.  The further one enters into yoga, the greater the hold that this ‘other master’ has in one’s life. Those yoga instructors reading this article will have a greater sense of what I am referring to.

                Yoga promoters realize that most North Americans are not yet ready to hear about the deeper secrets of yoga.  Community Center yoga is largely drip-feeding lower-level yoga practices during this time of cultural shift.  Hatha Yoga is itself derived from the very secretive tantric yoga.  According to William Broad, author of The Science of Yoga, Tantric Yoga developed in India around 600 A.D:

“(Tantric yoga) worships female deities, roots its ceremonies in human sexuality, seeks supernatural powers for material gain, and cloaks its rites in secrecy.”

  India            In around 1200 A.D., Gorakhnath, a Hindu ascetic of western India, merged the traditions of Tantra and  body discipline, forming Hatha Yoga.[22]  Broad teaches that the path of enlightenment towards the ecstatic yoga union was known as Tantra.[23]  Hatha Yoga is designed to bring a tantric awakening of Kundalini, the Hindu goddess having a serpent power.[24]  The Sanskrit word kundalini means “she who is coiled”.[25]   The cobra asana is not mere stretching, but is a mind control technique that has been developed over many centuries with proven psychic results.  Few community centre yoga buffs realize that the cobra asana was developed to awaken the kundalini cobra chakra.  The Kundalini snake is said to reside in the lowest chakra at the base of one’s spine:

“When (Kundalini) is aroused by Yoga practice, she uncoils and travels up the spine toward her lover, Shiva. Traveling the spine through psychic centers called chakras, Kundalini reaches the top chakra to merge with Shiva and there receive divine enlightenment through the union with Brahman….”[26]

I was unaware for many years that there is a Lord of Yoga.  According to the Bhagavad-Gita Hindu Scripture, Shiva the Hindu god of destruction is the Lord of Yoga (Yogeshwara) and the first Hatha Yoga teacher.  The Bhagavad Gita used the word “Yoga” in chapter six where the deity Krishna declares, “Thus joy supreme comes to the yogi … who is one with Brahman, with God.”[27]  For many generations, the Hindu texts like Hatha Yoga Pradipikia has described yogis as “able to fly, levitate, stop their hearts, suspend their breathing, vanish, walk through walls, project themselves into other bodies, touch the moon, survive live burial, make themselves invisible, and die at will.”[28]  The Yoga Sutras teach that the advanced yoga practitioner can develop the ability to tell the past and future (3:16, 3.22), discover spirits and communicate with master spirits (3:25, 3:32), enter into another person’s body (3:38), levitate (3:40), speak with animals (3.17), discover knowledge of past lives (3.18), read the minds of others (3.19), and not feel hunger or thirst (3:30). The magical and sexual aspects of Tantric Yoga have both embarrassed middle-class Indian Hindus while intriguing many Western New Agers.[29]  The Tantric aspect of Hatha Yoga has been linked to a number of high-profile New Age yoga scandals.[30]  Dr. Carl Jung, the father of the New Age movement,  remarkably concluded after two decades of study that advanced yoga can loose a flood of suffering of which no sane person ever dream.  In his advanced yogic awakening, Gopi Krishna said: “It was variable for many years, painful, obsessive…I have passed through almost all the stages of…mediumistic, psychotic, and other types of mind; for some time I was hovering between sanity and insanity.” [31]

SwamiYoga came to North America in 1893 when Swami Vivekananda, a disciple of the famous Guru Ramakrishna, taught about yoga at the Chicago World Fair.  Laurette Willis, an ex-yoga teacher, calls yoga the missionary arm of Hinduism and the New Age movement.  In “An Open Letter to Evangelicals”, Swami Sivasiva Palani wrote:

“A small army of yoga missionaries – hatha, raja, siddha and kundalini – beautifully trained in the last 10 years, is about to set upon the western world. They may not call themselves Hindu, but Hindus know where yoga came from and where it goes.”[32]

As Yoga Guru B.K.S Iyengar notes in his book Light on Yoga, “Some asanas are also called after Gods of the Hindu pantheon and some recall the Avataras, or incarnations of Divine Power.”[33]  Because the Hindu deities rode on animals, many yoga asanas are devoted to these deified animals.[34]  In the Sun Salutation asana, one is yogically paying direct homage to Surya, the Hindu Sun deity.  The Cobra asana is about identification with and worship of the Kundalini snake, yogically awakened in the chakras.  The fish asana (Matsyasana) is the yogic worship and reenactment of the Hindu deity Vishnu who turned himself into a fish to rescue people from a flood.[35] The Half Moon asana involves the yogic identification with and worship of Ganesh, the elephant-headed god who threw part of his tusk at the moon.[36] The Tortoise asana is dedicated to the yogic worship of Kurma the Tortoise incarnation of the god Vishnu.[37]  The Downward Dog asana reenacts the Hindu worship of the dog as happens for five days each November.[38]  In Dr. Raj Balkarana’s book The Stories Behind the Poses , he comments that:

Shiva is sometimes called the “Lord of Beasts,” because his refined consciousness is said to effortlessly tame wild [animals]. Upward facing dog has to do with working with the wild canine energy… The head is above the heart, activating the upward flow of kundalini. Downward Dog is a calming pose. It offers the grounding presence and companionship of a tame and loving dog. The head is below the heart, grounding into the earth.

The Hanuman asana is dedicated to the yogic worship of the Monkey god, Hanuman.[39] The Warrior asana is identified with the yogic worship of Lord Virabhadra who is described as having a thousand arms, three burning eyes, and a garland of skulls.[40]  The Corpse asana is the death or extinction of the person when yogic unification with the Hindu deity Brahman wipes out one’s own identity and existence.[41]  Dr. Balkarana explains that:

spiritually, Child Pose (Balasana) invokes Krishna, an avatar or incarnation of Vishnu, a member of the Hindu Trinity mentioned earlier. Krishna symbolizes divine play, and this pose embodies and cultivates “grounding, safety, and serenity” 

The Lotus asana is identified with the yogic worship of the Hindu deity Lakshmi who sat on a lotus.[42]  The Marichi asana is dedicated to the yogic identification with and worship of Marichi, one of the seven Hindu Lords of Creation and the Grandfather of the Sun god Surya. Dr. Balkarana shows how the:

Tree (Vrikshasana) pose is simple, but for those who know the great wisdom behind it, it is among the most profound of yoga poses. In this pose, one’s hands are clasped, closing the circuitry of the heart energy. Also, one’s two legs become like a single grounding rod, connecting with the earth. The upright plane between [sky] and earth is divine…. It is the plane of kundalini [divine feminine energy] rising, of spiritual ascension, of touching the [transcendent] while rooted on earth.

A number of well-intended Christians have been recently promoting Christianized yoga in North America.  In their classes, they usually do the same hatha yoga asanas as the new-agers, but add scripture quotes and Gospel music.  Subhas R. Tiwari, a Hindu University of America professor who has a master’s degree in yoga philosophy, comments: “Such efforts [to Christianize yoga] point to a concerted, long-term plan to deny yoga its origin. This effort . . . is far from innocent. It is reminiscent of the pattern evident throughout the long history and dynamics of colonizing powers.”[43] Tiwari holds that efforts to Christianize yoga are unjust “encroachment” and thinly veiled Christian proselytism of Hindus.

Some Christians claim that 1 Corinthians 8 and Romans 14 gives them the right to christianize yoga, saying that because Paul ate meat sacrificed to idols, then we can similarly do yoga that has been dedicated to idols.  They claim that because they are strong, Spirit-filled Christians, they can do yoga with no downside.  Paul however never encouraged Christians to participate in idolatrous Greek or Roman temple rituals as a way of proving how protected they are by the Holy Spirit.  In fact, in 1 Corinthians 10: 1-13, Paul stated that Christians needed to flee idolatry and syncretism.  Sometimes the wisest thing to do is to simply say no, and remove ourselves from a compromising situation.  Never did the Bible encourage us to christianize idolatry or to hang around the idolatrous temple to prove how strong we are.  Not everything can be redeemed.  Some things need to be renounced.  It goes without saying that sacrificing animals to the  local temple statue would have been unthinkable for New Testament Christians.

What Paul was encouraging in 1 Corinthians 8 was the practice of saying grace before eating meat at dinner.  He knew that most meat would have been sacrificed to idols at the local temple before making it to the butcher.  Rather than becoming vegetarian, Paul advocated saying grace as a cleansing prayer.  The parallel passage in 1 Timothy 4:3-4 says that saying grace is not just a nice religious thing we do before Sunday dinner, but rather is a significant act of thanksgiving (in the Greek, eucharist), which actually consecrates or sanctifies the meat through prayer and God’s Word.

Saying grace at dinner, however, is radically different than adopting ancient yogic mind-altering techniques.  Because yoga physically embodies the spiritual philosophy of Hinduism, it inhibits the Lord’s command to take every thought captive in obedience to Christ.  It also  disregards Paul’s encouragement in Colossians 2:8 to not be “taken captive by philosophy and empty deception according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ.”  This is not at the same level of whether or not one chooses to have a Christmas tree in one’s living room, or what kind of worship music one prefers.   Yes, there is great freedom on non-essentials for Christians.  But on more essential issues like idolatry or  immorality, the bible is clear that we are to have clear boundaries.  Some, coming out from legalistic church backgrounds, defend yoga in the name of freedom.  But does christianized yoga bring freedom or bondage? Syncretistically dabbling in things that the bible cautions against leads to great confusion.

JesusUltimately from a biblical perspective, the deities of yoga are no deities at all, and their devotees have no power to proscribe or limit what Christian believers may do with their bodies.  Jesus is Lord of our bodies, which are the temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19).  That is why many Christians make use of their bodies in worship, kneeling , arms elevated, or even prostrate.   How we use our bodies is an expression of our identity in Christ.  We need not be afraid that through involvement in stretching and calisthenics, we may accidentally be stretching in a way that might look like yoga.  Even with its 1,500 asana poses, yoga does not own the world of calisthenics and stretching.

             With yoga and Hinduism, nothing is what it seems.  This is why it has been described as the embrace that smothers.  Trying to separate the so-called physical from the spiritual in yoga is like attempting to remove arsenic from a bowl of sugar.  Yoga has always been shrouded in illusion and secrecy, and can intentionally look like whatever you want it to in the short term.  Hindus are well aware that yoga is an ancient form of divination.  The bible does not encourage us to see how close to the line we can get before we fall in, but rather to flee idolatry.   In the end, the yogic road leads to idolatry and monism, to serving two masters.   The Lordship of Jesus is what is at stake.

Yoga and Christianity go together like ice cream and beach sand.  Just as there is no Christian Ouija board, no Christian astrology, and no Christian tarot card reading, there is no Christian Yoga that is either truly Yoga or truly Christian.  I invite you to do the stretching, perhaps unthinkable thing of turning from Yoga towards healthy stretching and calisthenics.  This will not be easy for you, but it will be life-giving.  Please pray about it, like I did.  Ask Jesus to reveal to you the truth about yoga.  Does he want you to renounce it?  Prayer is the way forward.  Have you ever prayerfully asked Jesus whether he wants you to give up yoga?  Why not ask him now? You will not regret choosing to serve one master.  Jesus is Lord.  Yoga is not.

p.s. For those who would like to do healthy stretching, I recommend your checking out these two websites: Mayo Clinic Stretches and Sport Injury Stretches.  Another healthy option would be to check out Praise Moves with Laurette Willis, a Christ-centered alternative to yoga.

The Rev. Dr. Ed Hird, BSW, MDiv, DMin

 -award-winning author of the book Battle for the Soul of Canada

[1] Colleen Titlman, Teach Yourself Visually Yoga (MaranGraphics, Wiley Publishing Inc, New York, NY, 2003), p. 33.; William J. Broad, The Science of Yoga (Simon & Schuster, New York, NY, 2012), p. 2 “twenty million in the USA…more than two hundred and fifty million (yoga practitioners)…”; “Yoga in America Study 2012”, Yoga Journal. http://www.yogajournal.com/press/yoga_in_america  “82.2 percent are women; 17.8 percent are men.” (Accessed April 28th 2013)
[2] Nathan Johnson, Zen Shaolin Karate, “Ch’an (zen) monks of the Shaolin Temple” (Ch’an comes from an Indian word dhyana meaning meditation.)
[3] Taekwondo and other martial arts can be traced to a 6th century Buddhist monk Bodhidharma who travelled from India to China and established Zen Buddhism at the Shaolin temple of Ko San So Rim.  There he taught them both sitting meditation and the martial arts (moving meditation) to enable his disciples to free themselves from all conscious control in order to attain enlightenment. The karate equivalent to the poomse is the kata patterns.  As the Taekwondo author and instructor Eddie Ferrie puts it, “Many of the patterns of taekwondo are rooted in semi-mystical Taoist philosophy and their deeper meaning is said to be far more important than the mere performance of a gymnastics series of exercises.  This is not immediately obvious, either when performing or watching the poomse being performed…”
[4] Timothy McCall, Yoga as Medicine: a Yoga Journal Book (Bantam Dell, New York NY, 2007), P. 112 “At one point yoga was only taught to the elite of Indian society, male Brahmins, and then only to those who dedicated their life to it. The teachings and practice of yoga were kept secret from the rest of the world.”
[5] John Capouya, Real Men Do Yoga (Health Communications Inc., Deerfield, Florida, 2003), p. xiii “No chanting, no incense, no gurus…”
[6] Cain Carroll and Lori Kimata, Partner Yoga (Rodale Books, Emmaus, Pennsylvania, 2000), p. 21 “Unlike their predecessors, modern yogis now wear spandex and nail polish and practice postures on thin purple mats.”; “Yoga in America Study 2012”, Yoga Journal. http://www.yogajournal.com/press/yoga_in_america “The previous estimate from the 2008 study was 5.8 billion dollars.” (Accessed April 28th 2013)
[7] Broad, The Science of Yoga, p. 3.
[8] “India makes moves to reclaim heritage from ‘yoga piracy’”, David Orr, Washington Times, September 22nd 2005, http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2005/sep/22/20050922-114821-4035r/
[9] Titlman, Teach Yourself Visually Yoga, p. 7.; Svatmarama, The Hatha Yoga Pradipika, The Sacred Books of the Hindus, ed. Major Basu, I.M.S. (retired) (Bahadurganj, Allahabad: Sudhindranatah Vasu, 1915), http://www.geocities.com/kriyadc/hatha_yoga_pradipika_chapter1.html.
[10] Titlman, Teach Yourself Visually Yoga, p. 11 “…Yoga is not simply a system of physical exercise or a means of releasing psychic stress, as so many in the West have come to believe…”
[11] Broad, The Science of Yoga, p. ix.
[12] Laurette Willis, “Why A Christian Alternative to Yoga?” http://praisemoves.com/about-us/why-a-christian-alternative-to-yoga (Accessed Dec 14th 2012).
[13] www.yogabasics.com  : “More than just stretching, asanas [yoga postures] open the energy channels, chakras and psychic centers of the body. Asanas purify and strengthen the body and control and focus the mind.” (Accessed Dec 12th 2012)
[14] Capouya, Real Men Do Yoga, p. xiii “Yoga’s not some weird Eastern religion. In fact it’s not a religion at all.”; Capouya, p.xvii “He’s not looking for a religious experience, and hasn’t found it. You don’t have to sit around and say ‘Om’ to do yoga…It doesn’t have to be all Eastern and mystical.”; Pat Shapiro, Yoga for Women at Midlife & Beyond (Sunstone Press, Santa Fe, 2006), p. 15 (Yoga) “is not connected with any particular religion and does not require a specific belief system.”; Dr. Candy Gunther Brown, Encinitas School Yoga Lawsuit,  p. 5, “Many Americans fail to recognize non-Christian (e.g. Hindu) religious practices as ‘religion’ and fail to understand the inseparability of certain bodily practices from spiritual purposes.”  http://bit.ly/11HChls
[15] “Transcendental Meditation”, http://biblefacts.org/cult/tm2.html
[16] According to the Webster’s New World Dictionary, yoga (coming from an east Indian Sanskrit word which means “union with god” or “to yoke”) is “a mystic and ascetic Hindu discipline for achieving union with the supreme spirit through meditation, prescribed postures, controlled breathing, etc.” Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary defines yoga as “Hindu theistic philosophy teaching the suppression of all activity of body, mind, and will in order that the self may realize its distinction from them and attain liberation.”
[17] Carroll and Kimata, Partner Yoga, p. 227 “In these moments of absorption, it is said that we are ‘yoked’ to the underlying force behind all creation. In this place, there are no questions, no opposites, and no struggle; there is only union. This is the essence of yoga.”
[18] Deepak Chopra and David Simon, The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga (John Wiley and Sons Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey, 2004), p.197.
[19] Broad, The Science of Yoga, p. 17 “The Sanskrit root of Hatha is hath – to treat with violence, as in binding someone to a post…” P. 17 …a number of scholars translate Hatha Yoga as ‘violent union.’…
[20] http://www.theyogatutor.com/natarajasana The Yoga Teacher, “The definitive symbol of yoga is the Nataraja, otherwise known as the Dancing Shiva.”; http://bit.ly/TNFTRV Tirusula Yoga, “Nata= Dancer. Raja = King / Lord” (Accessed Dec 23rd 2012)
[21] David Frawley (Vamadeva Shastri) “Hindu View of Nature”, Hindu Voice UK, http://www.vedanet.com/2012/06/hindu-view-of-nature “Ultimately for the Hindu as the Upanishads say, ‘Everything is Brahman’ Sarvam Khalvidam Brahma.” (Accessed April 5th 2013)
[22] Broad, The Science of Yoga, p. xxv.; Broad, p.16 “In truth, Hatha is a branch of Tantra.”
[23] Broad, The Science of Yoga, p. 15.
[24] Titlman, Teach Yourself Visually Yoga, p. 16.
[25] Lee Sannella, The Kundalini Experience (Integral Publishing, Lower Lake, California 1987, 1992), P. 8.; Titlman, Teach Yourself Visually Yoga, P.7 “Two popular forms of Tantra Yoga are Kundalini and Kriya Yoga.”
[26] Titlman, Teach Yourself Visually Yoga, p. 26.; Capouya, Real Men Do Yoga, p.89 “In the yoga tradition…there’s a ‘chakra’, or an energy center, around the solar plexus…”
[27] Laurette Willis http://praisemoves.com/about-us/why-a-christian-alternative-to-yoga “…according to Hatha Yoga Pradipika.”; Titlman, Teach Yourself Visually Yoga, p. 12 (Bhagavad-Gita is) “a classic Hindu text believed written between the Fifth Century B.C. and the Second Century A.D.”
[28] Broad, The Science of Yoga, p. 17.
[29]Capouya, Real Men Do Yoga, P. xv (yoga) “…recharges your sex life.”; p.172” …in the Kundalini tradition, the perineum is where energy supposedly enters the body. The more energy you take in there, it’s believed, the hornier you get…”; Carroll and Kimata, Partner Yoga, p. 27 “…contrary to popular belief, not all Tantric yoga is sexual.”; Broad, The Science of Yoga, p.24 “Middle-class Indians found (yoga’s) its obsession with sex and magic to be an ’embarrassing heritage,’ according to Geoffrey Samuel, a yoga scholar…”; Broad, p. 26 “Throughout his career, Gune maintained a virtual taboo on the word ‘Tantra’- the parent of Hatha which Hindu nationalists had come to abhor.”;
[30] Broad, The Science of Yoga, p. 164 “…modern yoga throbs with open sexuality ranging from the blatantly erotic and the bizarrely kinky to the deeply spiritual.”; Broad, p. 164 “…the discipline (of yoga) itself began as a sex cult …”; p. 175 “Even Kripalu came under fire. Former devotees at the Berkshires ashram won more than $2.5 million after its long-term guru–a man who gave impassioned talks on the spiritual value of chastity- confessed to multiple affairs.”; McCall, Yoga as Medicine, p. 109 “Kripalu: This system is perhaps the most New Age in feel of the Yoga styles common in the West.”
[31] Broad, Science of Yoga, p. 10; Gopi Krishna, The Awakening of Kundalini (New York: E.P. Dutton, 1975), p. 124
[32] Sivasiva Palani, “An Open Letter to Evangelicals”, Hinduism Today, January 1991, http://bit.ly/10Bzxr1.
[33] http://www.hafsite.org/media/pr/yoga-hindu-origins Hindu American Foundation, “Yoga Beyond Asana: Hindu Thought In Practice”,  “Yet, even when Yoga is practiced solely in the form of an exercise, it cannot be completely delinked from its Hindu roots.” (Accessed Dec 23rd 2012)
[34] “The Significance of Animals in Hinduism” http://www.hinduwebsite.com/hinduism/essays/animals.asp “Hindus revere many divinities in animal form.  Lord Vishnu incarnated upon earth first as a fish, then as a tortoise and then as a boar… In the Hindu pantheon, each god and goddess is associated with an animal as a vehicle.” (Accessed April 5th 2013); “Why Animal Worship in Hinduism?”, http://bit.ly/XZ4mbS  “Almost all the deities in Hinduism have animals as their mode of transport (vehicle) or are associated with animals… Brahma travels on a humongous swan Hamsa, Lord Shiva on the Divine Bull Nandi and Lord Vishnu travels on the Golden-Eagle Garuda”  (Accessed April 5th 2013)
[35]“Fish Pose”, http://www.yogajournal.com/basics/2335 (Accessed Dec 26th 2012)
[36]  History of Yoga Postures,  http://bit.ly/12puYFs (Accessed Dec 29th 2012)
[37] “Sitting like a Tortoise”, http://bit.ly/ZErk2K  (Accessed Dec 29th 2012)
[38] “Animal Worship” http://bit.ly/2ogQaB (Accessed April 5th 2013)
[39] http://www.yogajournal.com/practice/889 Hanumanasana: Pose Dedicated to the Monkey God, Hanuman, By Aadil Palkhivala
[40]   “Viradhadra” http://bit.ly/K1fK0R (Accessed April 5th 2013)
[41] Mike Stokes, “Shavasana the dead pose”, http://www.godrealized.com/Shavasana.html (Accessed April 5th 2013) “Why is it that in nearly every yoga class, no matter what the style, we end with Savasana?… Why practice death pose? …The reason lies in the fact that death brings us face to face with total annihilation of the self… the essence of Savasana and the essence of yoga, namely total annihilation of separateness and unification with the whole.  Annihilation of the self is the access to the experience of yoga.”
[42]“Lakshmi: Goddess of Wealth & Beauty!” http://hinduism.about.com/od/hindugoddesses/p/lakshmi.htm “Lakshmi is the household goddess of most Hindu families.”; “Name: Padmasana” http://babynamesworld.parentsconnect.com/meaning_of_Padmasana.html (Accessed April 5th 2013)
[43] “Pose dedicated to Marichi” http://www.yogajournal.com/poses/939; “Urban Ashtanga Teacher Training” http://bit.ly/XZ2xf3 (Accessed April 5th 2013); Subhas R. Tiwari, “Yoga Renamed is Still Hindu,” Hinduism Today, January-February-March 2006.

P. S. Click this Amazon link to view for free the first two chapters of our new novel Blue Sky.

“I’m afraid there’s been an accident…”

12bdf6ff-3021-4e73-bccd-bc919398d1a0-7068-0000031133e7b4d9Sandy Brown and her family have just moved to Spokane, Washington where her husband, Scott, is pastoring a new church. With a fresh start, Sandy is determined to devote more time to her four children. But, within weeks of settling in their new life, the Brown family is plunged into turmoil.

Sandy receives shocking news that her children aren’t safe, which brings back haunting memories of the trauma she experienced as a girl. Then, the unthinkable happens…

A brutal attack puts Sandy on the brink of losing everything she’s loved. Her faith in God and the family she cherishes are pushed to the ultimate limit.

Is healing possible when so many loved ones are hurt? Are miracles really possible through the power of prayer? Can life return to the way it was before?

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Author: edhird

I was the Rector of St. Simon's Church North Vancouver, B.C for 31 years, from 1987 to 2018. Ordained in 1980, I have also served at St. Philip's Vancouver and St. Matthew's Abbotsford. My wife Janice and I have three sons James, Mark, and Andrew. I was Past President and Chaplain for Alpha Canada. While serving as the National Chair for Anglican Renewal Ministries of Canada, I was one of three co-signers of the Montreal Declaration of Anglican Essentials For the past 31 years, I have been privileged to write over 500 articles as a columnist on spiritual issues for local North Vancouver newspapers. In the last number of years, I have had the opportunity to speak at conferences and retreats in Honduras, Rwanda, Uganda, Washington State, BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Newfoundland, and Ontario. My book For Better, For Worse: discovering the keys to a lasting relationship, coauthored with Janice Hird, can be purchased at https://www.amazon.com/Better-Worse-Discovering-lasting-relationship/dp/0978202236/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1535555614&sr=8-1 My sequel Restoring Health: body, mind and spirit, with a foreword by Dr JI Packer, is online with Amazon.com in both paperback http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/097820221X/ref=redir_mdp_mobile and ebook form http://tiny.cc/tanhmx . In Canada, Amazon.ca has it available in paperback http://tiny.cc/dknhmx and ebook http://tiny.cc/wmhmmx . It is also posted on Amazon UK (paperback and ebook ), Amazon France (paperback and ebook), and Amazon Germany (paperback and ebook). Restoring Health is also available online on Barnes and Noble in both paperback and Nook/ebook form. Nook gives a sample of the book to read online: http://tiny.cc/vj3bmx . Indigo also offers the Kobo ebook version: http://tiny.cc/kreonx . You can also obtain it through ITunes as an IBook: http://tiny.cc/1ukiox The book 'Restoring Health: body, mind and spirit' focuses on strengthening a new generation of healthy leaders. Drawing on examples from Titus' healthy leadership in the pirate island of Crete, it shows how North Americans can embrace a holistically healthy life. In order to obtain a signed copy in North America of the prequel book 'Battle for the Soul of Canada', Blue Sky, or God's Firestarters, please send a $25 etransfer to ed_hird@telus.net . Cheques are also acceptable.

327 thoughts on “Yoga: More than Meets the Eyes?

  1. The Big Lie: Hinduism and Buddhism tells us that one can practice their faith, while still remaining a good Christian. With that kind of back-stroking, no wonder so many Christians are being so easily seduced by Yoga and meditation practices, today. There are two dangerous Christian Yoga “schools” I know of that are infiltrating both orthodox and liberal churches, today: “Holy Yoga” in the USA; and in Vancouver, BC, Canada: “Yoga Chapel”.

    Another one called “PraiseMoves”, is still old Yoga, done up in a “new package”. I also note that Laurette Willis of “PraiseMoves” has expanded her brand of Yoga, into schools, with the non-Christian “PowerMovesKids”, where the mantra changes into “reciting a character-building quote (singular)”. Yoga is popping up everywhere you look. Seems calling Yoga by another “name” is making her a lot of money, nowadays.

    Satan’s seductions are very very subtle. The serpent of yoga is still very much present, no matter whether you call the yoga pose a “downward dog” or “tent pose”; say “om” or “amen”; use “scripture” or “character building” quotes as a mantra — It is the same thing. “Christian” Yoga is still an oxymoron, no matter how one tries to re-package it. Thanks for your article, Ed.


    • Well done, research paper done extensively which educates everyone about Yoga even to the ones that pretend they know it all!. I have always had an awareness of God’s wisdom telling me all the truth about Yoga; therefore, I have always dicerned that yoga is not only a physical practice, but also spiritual too and it connects our soul to the spiritual realm which is full of all kinds of spirits which try to disguise themselves as good. Test all the spirits like it says in God’s word in 1 John 4:11 Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.


      • Gabrielle: What if someone just does the physical exercises, *apart from* a Hindu context and without Hindu terminology?

        Liked by 1 person

      • Well Ed, you’ve really done your research and I think that you are spot on although I never really got interested in yoga – possibly because I had a couple of of Indian Christian friends in theological college who spoke about the dangerous spiritual influences of yoga. That was a bonus.

        I’m not aware of a yoga influence in the new community – 400 km north of Sydney on the coast – where we moved in January – I’ve probably really “retired” at last. Surfing and walking along 6 km of beach seems to be the favourite activity although I guess some folk have been seduced by yoga.


      • Yes and amen. There are only a “few” left that seek to discern by Holy Spirit’s empowerment. Many just trust their fleshly passions and feel that is sufficient.


    • This is very interesting Ed and extremely well researched. I have had many people ask me to try Yoga and have never felt right about it and now I know that it was the “still small voice within” of the Lord guiding me. I was concerned about it, not knowing much about it and am happy to have found such and informative article to show me that I had made the right decision. Thank you for doing all this work Ed. I have one questions for you. What is Pilates? Is it just another form of Yoga, or is it simply stretching? I apologize if it’s in your research and I missed it somehow. God bless you for your thorough work. In Christ, Libby


    • You are mistaken, Monica C. There are 6 false statements in 3 of your sentences in the second paragraph.

      I had the pleasure of reading Rev. Hird’s article when it was first published, and posted it on our PraiseMoves Facebook page. I am grateful for his citing several excerpts from an article of mine (“Why a Christian ALTERNATIVE to Yoga?”), but did not see your comments until today.

      I would welcome the opportunity to speak with you about PraiseMoves to answer any questions you may have — I will also gladly send you a copy of any one of our DVDs as a gift to you.

      Each PraiseMoves posture is linked to a scripture we meditate upon or speak aloud while doing these stretching & strengthening postures. As you know, the body can move only in a finite number of ways, not an infinite number of ways.

      The exercises in PraiseMoves are not the foundation of PraiseMoves, just as the poses in yoga are not the foundation of yoga (“Yoga is Hinduism,” as many Hindus have told us, and as many of us have sadly experienced for ourselves).

      The foundation of PraiseMoves is the Word of God we meditate upon or speak aloud while doing the exercises, focusing on the Lord, praising Him in His Word.

      I like to say that the exercise in PraiseMoves is the “hook,” and the Word of God is the “meat.”

      The exercise in PraiseMoves is the “witty invention” to get you more into the Word of God — and to get more of the Word of God into you.

      There are 22 PraiseMoves postures which mirror the Hebrew alphabet (alef-bet) and correspond to the acrostic passages of Scripture. We have postures that look nothing like yoga, such as The Angel posture which corresponds with Psalm 91:11 “He shall give His angels charge over you…”

      Postures that look like yoga we consider redemptive postures, if we may, because we know the enemy is incapable of creating anything. He can only take what God has created and twist them to bring people to the feet of a false idol (as he does with music, for example, yet we can use the same notes on the scale, even the same instrument, and use it to bring glory to God).

      We have been closely scrutinized by a number of Christian apologists, pastors and authors. One very well known one who mistakenly lumped us in with so-called “Christian yoga” apologized in a blog post and guided people to our website to learn the truth about the dangers of yoga.

      PraiseMoves is the Christian ALTERNATIVE to yoga, not so-called “Christian yoga,” which I have been quoted as saying “is an oxymoron” (TIME magazine, 9/05 – in the ridiculously titled “Stretching for Jesus” article – well, that’s the world for you).

      You, or others, may be interested in a debate Moody Radio asked me to do with a so-called “Christian yogi” – that yoga DOES indeed lead people away from Jesus Christ (as my mother and I were for 22 years – ages 7 to 29).
      — You may hear the radio broadcast for “Up for Debate” on Moody Radio here: http://praisemoves.com/2013/03/christian-yoga-vs-praisemoves/

      Having been 22 years in the New Age and yoga before I surrendered my life and my will and my all to my beloved Jesus Christ, I have a *big nose* for anything New Age.

      Sadly, many believers are deceived about yoga and the New Age. I firmly believe that the Word of God is the ONLY thing that will help the believer avoid deception in these last days — and live in victory.

      We must be “transformed by renewing (our) minds” on the Word of God (Rom. 12:2).

      Yoga seeks to “empty” the mind. We do not do mantras, nor vain repetition, but meditate upon the Word of the living God (in line with Joshua 1:8).

      Because of this, it is my passion to get the Word of God into more and more people, and we receive many testimonies from people who tell us just that — how the Word of God has become real to them in ways they’d never experienced before–a vital part of their lives, changing the way they think and live their lives — more and more in line with God’s Word. Glory to God! These testimonies coupled with the physical testimonies are most remarkable, and humbling.

      It just proves again that God “chooses the foolish things of this world” — like me — to confound those wise in their own eyes. It must be God because I certainly *ain’t* that smart.

      Hopefully this extensive article (“Why a Christian ALTERNATIVE to yoga?” at http://praisemoves.com/calt) will help. I thank Reverend Hird for citing several quotes from this article. It is an eye-opener for many.

      PowerMoves Kids is certainly not yoga either. It is the first Character Education and Fitness program for the classroom. Thankfully, there are many who are using it as an alternative to yoga in schools. We use Character-building quotes instead of scriptures (as we do in PraiseMoves). http://PowerMovesKids.com

      Every character-building quote in PowerMoves Kids leads back to Truth in some way, and as we know, Truth has a voice. Jesus said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life…” (John 14:6).

      I personally believe that in later years, when these children hear the Gospel message, the “voice of Truth” will sound a familiar chord in their hearts, and they will come to Jesus Christ, our only Savior and precious, precious Lord.

      Well, sorry for this long (and late) response, but I wanted you to know the truth.

      May God richly bless you. He is faithful and true.
      Laurette Willis


      • Hello, Laurette: Thank you for your response. There is a well-known saying – ” If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck and walks like a duck, it most likely is a duck.”

        Like Rev. Hird, I too, was involved in martial arts — Kung Fu and Tai Chi — for several years before I became a Christian. Once becoming Christian, I soon became uncomfortable with the philosophy/religion around such practices. Even if we took the Eastern “influence” out of martial arts and tried to Christianize it, with Christian terminology, instead of Eastern, the spirit behind these practices still does not come from God. You need to come to terms with this fact.

        I have been involved in many issues where nothing has changed, but the terminology around it. Usually, turning a wrong into a right, In a world where there are no more absolute truth, there is only relativity. Right and wrong have become blurred. As Christians, we need to be careful we do not fall into this worldly trap. Be in the world, but not of the world.(Romans 12:2)

        What matters is what something is, not what it is called. Yoga is still yoga, wrapped up in new packaging, whether it is called PowerMoves or PraiseMoves, Laurette.

        You cannot worship both God and Mammon [a false god,(Matthew 6:24)] and come out unscathed. Remember who is the “prince of this world.”(1 John 5:19), right now! He is a crafty spirit.

        I, also, realize that you have invested a lot into your yoga classes, but is it worth the cost of your eternal soul? Our spiritual condition is worth far more than our physical condition to God. That is what the whole issue comes down to, in the end. I hope you come to see that, soon.

        You are blessed with excellent business know-how talent for sure, Laurette. I strongly believe you can find a better way to honour our Lord Jesus Christ, and bring others to Him without the use of Yoga as a conduit. God Bless.


      • In response to Monica C’s 8/29 response. I did not see this until a friend directed my attention to the article again today — otherwise I would have responded sooner.

        Sorry for the pun – but – To Monica C at “Scattering Stone” – is it “Scattering Stone,” or Throwing them?

        Still mistaken, Monica. Poor analogy – PraiseMoves does not “look, walk nor quack like a duck” – nor yoga. Again, the Word of God we speak and meditate upon (not “quack”) is our foundation, not the exercise. The enemy (satan) is not a creator, he can only take what God has created and use it to bring people to the feet of a false idol (as in twisted music, but not all music is wicked).

        PraiseMoves is NOT so-called “Christian yoga,” which IS yoga. PraiseMoves is the Christian ALTERNATIVE to yoga.

        There is no gray, correct – only absolutes. I am absolutely sure of that.

        For example, I see that you promote “United Christian ASHRAMS” on your website. http://www.freewebs.com/scatteringstones/links.htm

        Do you realize: “In Yoga, The word ashram means ‘a place where one goes to learn about one’s self.’ It is Indian (from India) and hence in the tradition of yoga…” – from Vassar Chronicle, April 16, 1975.

        OH MY GOODNESS, MONICA! Are you kidding? Now, if THAT is not a duck, why in the world do they call it one? Why not “United Christian RETREATS,” for goodness’ sake?!!! Promoting “Ashrams” (originally YOGA retreats), Monica? Please re-think this and the people whom you may influence who may not be as discerning as you are.

        I agree with you about Martial arts. I do not believe Martial Arts can be “Christianized” because they deal with energy transference and manipulation of life force energy (ki – same as prana in yoga and chi in Tai Chi). These are psychic arena practices to be avoided (see Ephesians 2:2). Besides, calling them “martial arts” or so-called “Christian karate” still opens the door to having children become curious about other forms later – as does so-called “Christian yoga” – see the article Christianity Today asked me to write addressing this subject – the danger of “Yoga in the Schools” – christianitytoday.com/ct/2013/september/should-yoga-be-banned-from-public-schools-as-religious-acti.html?start=1 — mine is the 3rd opinion (I’m told I made some enemies – people who are so addicted to yoga they can’t see straight; but I didn’t enter the ministry to make friends, just followers of Jesus Christ, the King of Glory).

        PraiseMoves is NOT a matter of terminology being changed, as in so-called “Christian yoga.” The entire foundation is different. This is why I fasted and prayed about this for 2 years to ensure this was what the Lord wanted me to do. This is not a “business” to me, Monica.

        I get enough, um, uninformed comments (that’s about the nicest way I can put it) from Christians and non-believers who let me know how ignorant and hateful I am for “judging others” and coming against their dear yoga. They assume I must be in this for the money (oh, dear, if they only knew!) – but then, that’s what I thought when I was a New Ager – how could anyone do anything in ministry unless they were either hopelessly naive or money-grubbing? It is especially grievous to receive similar treatment from a sister in the Lord who is looking in from the outside and assuming she knows what PraiseMoves is. My sister, you do not.

        If you are willing to give it an honest look, I would gladly send you any of our DVDs. I will, if you write to me via our http://www.PraiseMoves.com website. I will gladly do so, but I have a funny feeling you will not. I hope you prove me mistaken.

        You can call me at our office and I will answer your questions about this. If you prefer, I am willing to discuss or debate the subject with you publicly, as I did on Moody Radio with the so-called “Christian yogi” who believed what she did was “yoga for Christians” and totally okay. So-called “Christian yoga” is not.. I have a huge nose for New Age and yoga — and I know that I know that I know PraiseMoves is NOT yoga.

        I dislike confrontation, so it is hilarious that the Lord would give me a ministry where I must lean on Him and be willing to be bold. I believe you are bold as well, Monica, and I know you love the Lord.

        I look forward to hearing from you if you are willing to take a thorough look at PraiseMoves. If you still feel the same way after we speak together on the phone, and you view one of our DVDs, fine. If not, fine. I won’t ask you to retract a thing, as several apologists have once they took a thorough look at what PraiseMoves really is.

        I will not click the box “Notify me of follow-up comments.” I do not think I will re-visit here again. So, if you have additional comments, you are welcome to contact me directly.

        I look forward to hearing from you, as the Lord leads. However He leads is perfect with me. He is faithful and true and I know He loves you so very, very much.

        with love, rejoicing,

        Liked by 2 people

      • Thanks for your interesting reflections, Laurette. In carefully looking at PraiseMoves, my conclusion is that you are not offering Christian Yoga, but rather Christian calisthenics in a worship setting. I lead the BC Christian Ashram movement, founded in 1930 by Dr. E Stanley Jones, a Methodist missionary to India. It is also clearly non-new age. A means ‘apart from’ and ‘Shram’ means work. Apart from work or retreat. Christ is the Focus of our Christian Ashram. There is no yoga practised. http://www.christianashram.org/


        Ed Hird+


      • You should be ashamed of yourself, pushing your New Age “praisemoves” nonsense in this blog.


      • Tell me more why you call PraiseMoves New Age. I have been impressed with Laurette Willis’ PraiseMoves alternative to yoga. Calisthenics and stretching are healthy for Christians.

        Ed Hird+


  2. Pingback: How yoga kills the mind | The Confluence Countdown

    • My prayer is that Ed’s teaching does go viral because Christians need to be aware of the beliefs and history behind the yoga they so openly embrace. Since you profess to be Ashtangis seeking to deepen your practices, you should be able to understand that Ed is merely attempting to educate Christians, The Bible, our guide book, tells us to edify one another. In order to do that, we need to reveal the truth. The truth is that yoga stems from religious beliefs contrary to our Christian beliefs and to be quite blunt worships false gods. According to our Christian beliefs, there is only one true God. I’m sorry if you find this offensive, but I could just as easily find offense of the way in which you addressed Ed’s blog in your article How Yoga Kills the Mind and told people to offer penance, which if you had done your research as Ed diligently did his you would have seen that repentance is only one part of the process. As Christians, we also need to leave behind worldly influences and temptations that will draw us away from God.


  3. The logical conclusions of Hinduism epitomize the problems. “The history of mankind will probably show that no people has ever risen above its religion. Man’s spiritual history will positively demonstrate that no religion has ever been greater than its idea of God” A.W. Tozer.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Ed,

    This is a well researched and well written blog post. Thank you for your diligent work and your insight. While yoga may be a controversial topic, I strongly believe that Christians need to be cognizant of the beliefs and history behind the practice so that they can make informed decisions. As you have so sagely pointed out, yoga is much more than mere stretching exercises. It is a set of religious rituals. Thank you, dear friend, for taking up the cross and presenting the truth!


  5. Thank you for this enlightening article. It is important to be aware and informed about anything that may hinder or adversely effect our relationship with God. Anything that draws our minds and hearts away from our Father is never beneficial to our overall being. “For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light.” Ephesians 5:8


  6. My daughter’s occupational therapist has taught my daughter yoga exercises. I think the yoga culture can be a possible threat to the Christian faith, but I don’t think the exercises themselves are necessarily problematic.


  7. This is very well researched. I use to do Hatha Yoga but frankly became bored with it after I became a Christian. I bought a Christian yoga dvd and found it even more boring! I agree yoga has no part in the Christian faith.


    • Christ is everything.Why they do Yoga , of course to get peace in mind? if you are in Christ, Christ is in you, so peace is already there. There are many good words and many good things which surpasses Christ’s teaching. It is just cheating. Satan doesn’t bring people through bad things but good things too. He can become like an Angel. So we have be aware of it.


  8. It’s an interesting article. You have done a lot of research here. Very interesting. I would add, though, that there are many things, from AA and some psychology, to Political ideologies (right and left), that do similar things (ie: deflect us from Christ/Grace). I think we need to be aware that when people talk about ‘higher power’ or the ‘;laws of economics’ they may (not always, I admit) be involved in something religious. Political parties are, by and large, cults. Yoga is just another example.


    • As is Christianity, your “cult”ure is your cult. 😉 Your religion is very closely tied to politics. Created by man for man.


      • Noooo, Christianity is the opposite of a “cult.” The word comes from “occult,” which means secretive, hidden. There are beliefs and practices hidden to all but the select few in the cult. In stark contrast, Christianity is an open book. From the Bible to sermons and worship services open to the public, there’s nothing secretive about Biblical Christianity. Why don’t you try it? You’ll like it. 👍


      • I have tried it. Even memorizing bible verses, and singing in the choir. So where does the word culture come from? What about those who speak in tongues? What about those who are abusing little children, what about those who burned thousands of natives all over the world in the lord’s name? All I found was was subservience, hypocrisy, judgment and brain-washing.


      • Well, you are majoring in the minors. Christianity has done more GOOD — healed more sick — educated more people — uplifted more people out of poverty — defeated more tyrants – and elevated the standard of living across the board significantly compared to all other belief systems in world history. open your eyes. You’re being lied to.


      • Well, you are majoring in the minors. Christianity has done more GOOD — healed more sick — educated more people — uplifted more people out of poverty — defeated more tyrants – and elevated the standard of living across the board significantly compared to all other belief systems in world history. Bad things done by Christians are the opposite of what Jesus taught, which was all completely good. MOST Christians are very good and have blessed the world. Open your eyes. You’re being lied to.


  9. This was incredibly insightful, Rev. Ed. I’ve always been interested but have never been able to find time for Yoga. Now, I’m glad I didn’t. Wow!


  10. Hey, Ed, thanks for the link. I believe you are spot on with your take on yoga. My body is riddled with arthritis so it is essential I stretch it. I just do yoga poses with Christian music playing.


  11. I had no idea Yoga was much more than a way to relax and stay in shape. I never bother with it anyway. I have other ways to relax.


  12. Well said, Ed. Thanks for your research.
    I was taking a lunch break last week on the banks of the Chipola River listening to all creation shouting God’s glory. I was reminded of Mr. Buddha and his “enlightenment” while watching a river flowing by him and while in his broken state after years of debauchery and unfaithfulness to his family. I theorize that he, too, heard the shouting but (not being a chosen one) misinterpreting the revelation of God in creation as only a fallen man can – as self-divinity. How sad that those you quoted in the article are upset over Westerners hijacking Indian idolatry. Do they truly believe we need Hinduism to help us play god. We have so many other ways. I find it frighteningly hilarious that we might see the day when an international court would grant India copyright ownership of the depravity of man.


  13. Rev. HIrd,
    Thank you for the research you’ve done. I haven’t practiced Yoga much myself, except to try some of the stretches on my own. My research has been more in the areas of meditation, alternative medicine and T’ai Chi. I’m curious how yoga is related to martial arts originating in other countries. I understand there’s a connection to spiritual things there as well though.

    Personally I’ve allowed myself to glean some things from Eastern practices, changing them where necessary to remain true to biblical teaching. I hope to use some of the common ground we have to bridge communication with unbelievers. I also believe there are things we can learn from our Eastern friends in maintaining health naturally and clearing our minds of the chaos so that we can focus on God better.

    Meditation is a biblical practice, not the emptying of our minds, but really focusing on God, His character, His acts, and listening to His voice. (Please check out my blog archives at http://www.thechristiannaturalist.blogspot.com for several posts about Meditation, T’ai Chi, energy, etc. I’ve attached one here, “Can Mantras be Christian?”)

    I practice T’ai Chi for exercise, relaxation and circulation. My instructor is not Asian and does not hold to eastern religions-or religion of any kind. It’s a time for me to connect with people who are not like me and be the Light in the world around me.

    I so appreciate your warning here. We as Christians must hold fast to the truth and never let the world’s influence change the Truth we hold to. It can be a slippery slope. Jesus must always be our center, source and goal.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Most interesting, Ed, and also most informative. From now on, I will try to impress upon any yoga practitioner that instead of mindlessly repeating some pagan, yogic mumbo jumbo, he or she would do far better to meditate on the truths of Christ and Sacred Scripture.


  15. Thanks for articulating this so clearly, Ed. I only know one other Christian who’s researched yoga like this, and she came to the same conclusion. Can you recommend any good resources for stretching? I’m in a non-yoga class that uses the occasional yoga stretch move, and I’d be quite happy to replace those… [although anything in the class that I can turn into a worshipful-to-my-God pose I do].


    • Thanks, Janet. You might want to look in the local library under calisthenics, Janet. Or consult with your local weight room trainer for suggestions.



    • Ed, I really appreciate you researching this so thoroughly and not being shy to express your conclusions. Thanks, too, for the stretching links.

      I came back to leave a follow-up comment, because as I’ve worked this through, my thoughts have changed. I don’t want to leave a false impression from my first reaction.

      As I’ve prayed through this, asking for protection and for alertness to anything in my workout classes that God may want me to step away from, He’s helped me to turn the yoga-related stretches into God-worship times, and they’ve become quite meaningful. The more I can turn what I’m doing into worship, whether it’s exercise, laundry or song, the closer I feel to Him.

      I’ve ended up in the “yoga is like meat offered to idols” group, perhaps. And I’m not going to seek it out or join a class that’s mostly yoga. But I’m not afraid anymore.

      Liked by 1 person

  16. Thanks! so what is the safe solution to this then? What do you recommend (like certain exercise programs) instead of yoga then? Please let us all know!

    Where can I get instructions on with healthy stretching and calesthenics then?


  17. for a yoga alternative, Laura Monica of Wholly fit is a certified trainer http://www.wholyfit.com/about-us


  18. I am so grateful for this solid, well-researched and well-written teaching on yoga. Desperately needed today, as the church is failing us (largely because leaders are unaware and not interested) in this area and in educating us on this subject. Thank you Rev. Hird.


  19. Ed,
    Thank you for a well-researched and perceptive evaluation of yoga practices. In this culture of “political correctness,” it is a courageous act to critique any popular concept, especially from a religious perspective. The culture of a quasi-sophisticated and selectively-tolerant secularism seeks to redefine the meanings of ultimate values. It desires to avoid the religious/theological implications of those cultural and linguistic principles that rise above the realm of the ordinary and pragmatic. Thank you for reminding us that the meaning of concepts, language, and practices may have meaning that rises above the mundane redefinitions of the popular moment.


  20. Pingback: Yoga: Christian or Not?

  21. As i was reading this i was thinking, what’s the big deal to just do the stretches, they promote flexiblity and circulation, just don’t get into the meditation part of it or the religious side of things. But then my thoughts went to the bible of the time of Saul. I don’t remember which city it was that God told Saul to kill everyone and destroy everything, but Saul thought he knew better and kept things for himself. Saul thought he could separate the good from the bad and it proved to be his downfall. Hopefully Christains will educate themselves and let God decide what we can handle. What does the bible say about such things? Whatever it says, whether you agree or not as a Christian, we should obey God, in the end He knows what’s best and His sight sees farther and more clearer than are’s ever will!


  22. Hi Ed,

    Your desire to seek and share truth is commendable. With that said, I believe you tarnish a precious gift that has been given. Yes Yoga is spiritual, this is without a doubt, after all, the body is merely the embodiment of spirit. All actions are sourced from spirit.

    Jesus says that a kingdom divided unto itself will fall. Yoga is more than stretching. It is understanding the body that God has created and refining it so that it can house the spirit of God. Practicing yoga brings healing, indisputable healing that is scientifically proven. The enemy kills, steals, and destroys… he does not heal, if so, his house would be divided and fall.

    There is one God, indivisible, who’s name can’t even be spoken. ALL of creation flows from that God. It is time we lift our hearts and be in loving communion and give thanks to God for the treasures he gives us.

    May your words be inspired (in-spirit).

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ah, but the Bible tells us that Satan (who is a real being) appears, not like some horrible, frightening monster, but like an angel of light, deceiving many people. Scripture further warns us that some will come along who will even perform miracles, display evidences (“signs”) that they are the Christ and, according to Scripture, demonstrate lying wonders. Because this is so, the Bible tell us to try (test) these to see if they really are approved by God– and the test is NOT whether what they say and do seems good but whether it agrees with what God teaches us in His Word, the Bible.

      While it is certainly true that, as you have said, all of creation flows from God, Scripture also tells us that the world “lieth in the lap of the wicked one”, creation groans and travails in agony, awaiting its redemption, that even the ground has been cursed by man’s sin, and that some day God will therefore create a new heavens and a new earth. Man can and does disobey God and, in his rebellion against God, sometimes is allied with the forces of evil.

      I was a United States Marshal and was privileged to train with two of the top people in the country in martial arts. (One was even a judge at the World Karate Championships.) These men had spent many years in perfecting their abilities to reach a pinnacle in that field; it was a major part of their lives.

      Yet a few years later they got out of it. I asked why. One of them explained to me that there were basically three levels to all of these (yoga, tai chi, the martial arts from Asia such as karate, etc.) The first level is physical, the second is mental, and the third is spiritual. He said that he, as a believer, a follower of Jesus Christ, when he reached that third level he became aware of demonic forces at work and therefore could not continue.

      I was aware of the dangers in those fields from my theological studies (I taught theology on the college level after I left the Marshals Service) but my knowledge was second hand. My instructor related to me his first-hand experiences. He had come to a point in his life where he realized that, as a follower of Christ, he could not continue.

      Sorry for the long post– but this is serious stuff.


    • Kane, two of your comments made me pause. I feel the need to confront the two philosophies that could be spiritually harmful to you or anyone else who reads this article.

      Yes, Jesus did say that the enemy kills, steals, and destroys and you say he doesn’t heal. But when Jesus was confronting the Pharisees after He healed someone on the Sabbath and they said He had a demon, Jesus asked them if He heals through the use of a demon, by whom do the sons of the Pharisees heal the sick? Also animists and pagans believe in “healing” by witch doctors, meditation, or “alternative medicine” as we would use the term today. In those circumstances, can we not assume that the Father of Lies can manipulate events to appear as if the healing is truly coming from God?

      You also say there is one God, indivisible, whose name cannot be spoken. But Peter said “There is no other name under heaven, given among men by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:10-12). Miracles, healing, the power of the Spirit is brought about through the name of Jesus, which means Yahweh is salvation. You can most definitely speak the name Jesus. In fact, I encourage you to speak it… and receive it in faith.


  23. Kane. For further reading on Yoga I suggest you read Judy White’s “The Heart of Yoga Revealed”.
    Also, if you check any yoga studio you will likely find posters on their walls that describe each yoga pose and the specific act of (hindu, or other) worship represented by that pose. Not a good idea for Christian participation. Indeed, we allow the enemy a legal landing strip in our lives by participating with opposite and opposing spirits of the Holy Spirit.


  24. Appreciate your insights Ed. Very informative. Part of me wonders, however, if there is a “meat offered to idols” element to this. Prior to reading this article, I did some “yoga exercises” as part of my P90X workout. Found them challenging and highly (physically) effective. My heart and mind were completely free of any spiritual baggage or symbolism. Does placing my body in a position named after a ‘god’ that does not in fact exist place my soul/spirit in any actual danger? Having said that, I recognize the subversive danger to the immature Christ-follower or the spiritual seeker. Thanks again!


  25. We often go where we should not go either spiritually or physically in order to meed our Four Core Needs. Christians are no more removed from those needs than any other human. My prayer is that we would understand what we truly need and work to meet that need in healthy ways – not ways that are at best suspect and at worst truly destructive to our mind and spirit.


  26. Not sure why, but for some reason my two posts here were deleted. I’ll try again. . . .

    I respectfully disagree with my brother Ed on this particular issue, for two reasons. (1) The Sanskrit term ‘yug’ doesn’t *by itself* have a religious meaning. It simply means “join” or “union”; _what_ is being joined, though, depends on _context_. For example, in an agricultural context it can be used to refer to the yoking of two oxen together.

    However, if the term “yoga” is problematic because some people who hear you use it may think you’re referring specifically to *Hinduistic* yoga–then drop the term. It’s not worth using it if you run the risk of accidentally coming across as endorsing paganism.

    (2) Even if we drop the term “yoga” because of unintentional affiliations with paganism–it doesn’t follow that the physical exercises themselves are inherently pagan. There are no grounds in the Christian worldview for thinking that any particular body position or movement is inherently evil or pagan.

    Therefore there is absolutely *nothing unChristian* about utilizing the *physical-only* aspects of yoga exercises. And here I must applaud the discernment of brother Darin here, for his comparison of this issue to the issue of idol-meat discussed by Paul in 1Cor. 8 and 10; and Rom. 14-15. Paul made it clear that any meat *in and of itself* isn’t evil or pagan–but if in a pagan context there are affiliations to pagan worship, then idol meat should be avoided.

    But the meat *itself* wasn’t pagan. Same goes for these yoga exercises. The exercises in themselves aren’t pagan; but if in a pagan context you are accidentally sending the signal that you “endorse” Hindu philosophy, then yoga should *in that context* be avoided.

    Ed makes it sound like an absolute, when in reality it’s about *context*.

    In Christ,


  27. I respectfully disagree with Andy. With regard to the meat/yoga comparison – meat itself has no pagan or spiritual roots nor symbolism whereas yoga does have spiritual/pagan roots, not only roots but symbolism. Study the yoga poses and you will discover that each yoga pose is symbolic in that it has a worship meaning dedicated to some pagan god, namely hindu.


    • @Jan (and by extension @Kay as well): Thanks for your response(s). I may not have communicated clearly enough; may I try again?

      Jan, you argued that “meat itself has no pagan or spiritual roots nor symbolism whereas yoga does have spiritual/pagan roots, not only roots but symbolism.” I believe your key terms there are “yoga” and “symbolism.”

      You’re quite correct about the nature of meat or any given food: it doesn’t *by nature* carry any symbolism. But this ties into my point: *nothing* carries any symbolism unless that symbolism has been attached to the object by a person or culture. A purely physical exercise has no “yogic” symbolism unless a Hindu or pagan-minded person specifically attaches Hindu symbolism to that exercise.

      My point: the exercise _by itself_, as raw physical movement, is *just* an exercise — and thus *cannot* be inherently evil or pagan.

      My point was _not_ that it’s “okay to do yoga.” My point was that Hindus and yoga practitioners don’t “own” stretches and exercises — and therefore we are perfectly free as Christians to use the same stretches and exercises simply because they’re good for the body — but without having any pagan symbolism attached to them.

      I do *not* mean, however, that it’s “okay for Christians to join yoga classes and not think about what they’re doing.”

      ***Context is everything.

      I used the following illustration with Ed in an email: You know the “A-okay” gesture in the West — thumb and index finger touching tips, the other 3 fingers extended? Well, I recall a communications prof of mine years ago telling us that if you made that same gesture in some parts of Italy, you’d be interpreted by locals as giving a crude sexual signal.

      Same goes for exercises. Sure, any pagan could decide to use a specific bodily posture in the context of pagan worship — but why should any Christian believe that posture is necessarily limited to that context? Satanists have been known to clap hands at satanic rock concerts, so does that mean if we clap hands during a church service, we’re honouring Satan? Of course not: different contexts, different meanings.

      Therefore there’s simply *no* biblical basis for suggesting that yoga exercises — as _physical exercises_ — cannot be divorced from paganism. Of course they can, for the simple reason that paganism doesn’t “own” specific movements or exercises. Anyone familiar with biblical history knows that in many instances of pagan worship, sex was involved, because it was viewed as a way of communing with the gods. Does that make sex inherently evil? Of course not: what makes the difference is context. Idol-worshippers don’t own sex — and yogis don’t own stretches.

      God wants us to discern the context in which we find ourselves, so that we are considerate first of all toward Him, then toward others who may be influenced by what we say or do in that context. But if we just slap a rule on something – “I must never do yoga!” – then we don’t have to use discernment; we don’t have to think about it. But God would rather we discern, consider, think.

      It’s the same with, say, drinking alcohol. Nowhere does the Bible prohibit the use of alcohol – but it certainly teaches us to be careful with it. If we just had an absolute rule – “Never drink alcohol!” – then we wouldn’t have to think about what we’re doing, and why. But if I know that context and moderation make the difference, then I’ll be prompted to think about what I’m doing and how it affects my capacity to glorify God and influence others.

      This is a Spirit-led way to live, rather than a *rule*-led way to live.

      My wife read Ed’s article and then showed me some stretches she’s learned from her physiotherapist, and there was nothing remotely “pagan” about them. They were _just stretches_. However, it happens to be the case that those same particular stretches are also used in yoga – so does that mean my wife is being “unChristian” when she uses those stretches? Surely you don’t believe that’s the case, do you . . . ?

      You also said that “each yoga pose is symbolic” – but it’s only symbolic _in a pagan context_. If a given pose or exercise is used in a secular or Christian context, then it has *no* Hindu meaning attached to it. Please understand and accept the truth that words and gestures and various actions only have meanings attached to them in specific contexts, not universally.


      • I partially agree with you Andy, but partially disagree with you. I agree that a stretch is a stretch and nothing more unless it’s “within the context” of yoga. The person stretching knows their heart before The Lord and God will testify against them at judgement day (psalm 50). So be it. However 😉 Christians are told to guard their hearts and to not cause a brother to stumble. If I were to be artistically drawn to the pentegam and candles and wanted to portray that artistically only, with out any intent or actual satan worship does that make it glorifying to God? I honestly would question anyone who could say that drawing a pentagram honors and glorifies God. Not only that, but say a weaker brother or sister sees my art and is consequently drawn to witchcraft because of it. I would then have failed to protect my struggling brother or sister and would have caused them to stumble. I think Christias have an obligation to diligently seek to glorify God in all things. If a stretch relieves your body, but resembles a yoga stretch, I would encourage the godly Christsian to stretch in privacy so as not to inadvertently cause anyone else to stumble. Would you drink in front of an aa member? Thoughts welcome!

        Liked by 1 person

  28. • North American is known for trivializing things that are anti-Christian and often we try to give name to everything as if they are harmless to our faith. This is another clear example as the practice of Hinduism is been seen as acceptable in our society especially for Christian who disagree with the religion Hinduism. It is like Halloween, homosexualism, witchcraft etc. Many of these things are seen today as been harmless. Just for fun. Really?? It is unfortunately what Christians especially in the West have chosen to accept things without looking at the origin, the practice and implication. Rev Ed Hird has done an excellent job in bring out this truth. He has chosen to stand out. Call us to think and dissociate ourselves from a practice that does not support our faith. Dear brother , I cannot agree with you better. Yoga is not just mere physical exercise; it is nothing other than the worship of another God which the scripture completely speak against. It is time for believers to speak up and dissociate themselves from this ungodly practice. You may be unpopular if you do so, but the Truth will always prevail. We need to earnestly contend for the faith once delivered to us. Will Jesus do Yoga? I am bold to say NO NO NO NO NO. Bro Ed Hird. Well done!! May the Lord open our eye of understanding in this world to understand this deep truth in Jesus’ name. You said it well “In the end, the road leads to idolatry and monism, to serving two masters. The Lordship of Jesus is what is at stake” Shalom


  29. Ed, thank you for pointing me to your article. I found it very informative and definitely well researched. I have never accepted that yoga is a “safe” way to exercise because of its pagan connotations. People, specifically Christians in the Western world, need to understand that playing with fire only gets us burned. We cannot compromise (or contaminate) our faith with activities that involve us, however innocently, in worshiping demons. Demonic power is very subtle and very deceiving. Andy’s reply is indicative of the deception the enemy uses to woo us away from the central core of our faith in Christ. Exercise seems innocent. And, when not connected with Eastern or New Age religious practices, is good–to a point. The Apostle Paul said that bodily exercise profits a little. But we can also make a god out of body building. Balance is the key. I am going to reblog this.


    • Successbmine, you said: “Andy’s reply is indicative of the deception the enemy uses to woo us away from the central core of our faith in Christ.”

      With respect, please quote back to me anything I said that was “deceptive” or inaccurate.

      You also said: “Exercise seems innocent. And, when not connected with Eastern or New Age religious practices, is good–to a point. The Apostle Paul said that bodily exercise profits a little. But we can also make a god out of body building.”

      Please quote back to me anything I said that turned bodily exercise into an idol. (Have you actually been discerning toward my post…?)

      Thanks and blessings,


  30. Christians who think they think they’re getting relaxation and/or exercise, are really getting Hinduism! They think they’re getting science, but they’re getting religion. It’s mislabeled and it’s dangerous! Thanks for being courageous to tell us the truth Ed.


  31. Hello Ed,
    Another well researched article from you. Thank you for your leadership in the bodyof Christ. We are grateful for your “voice”.


    • Thank you so much, David, for your strong words of affirmation. Your ministry across Canada and worldwide with the Billy Graham Association is bearing much fruit.


  32. You did a great job in researching this article. I now have an article in hand to share with those who needs to understand about Yoga and it’s background. May the Lord bless and protect you


  33. I’d like to suggest everyone watch this Mayo Clinic video that shows 5 basic yoga stretches. I’m sure you will recognize these stretches from having seen them done in completely nonreligious contexts. There is simply *no rational way* anyone could ever make a case that these stretches are “pagan” or “evil.”


    I invite any feedback, negative or positive.



    • Andy,

      The phrase ‘simply no rational way’ seems a bit strong, Andy. Surely you would want to be open to thinking that people can rationally disagree with you on this one. Thinking people can thoughtfully and respectfully disagree.

      Secondly, you commended the following video and text:”…the poses we demonstrated — standing forward bend, warrior one, neck rolls, seated spinal twist and cobra —”

      Warrior One and Cobra are clearly identified yoga asanas, that I have already critiqued in my paper as following. They are far from neutral, even when clinically described. Lord Virabhadra, of Warrior 1 identity, is hardly a benign nonreligious entity to re-enact and become. Nor is the participation in the awakening of the Kundalini serpent expressed in the intentionally-called Cobra asana.

      Excerpt: “As Yoga Guru B.K.S Iyengar notes in his book Light on Yoga, ‘Some asanas are also called after Gods of the Hindu pantheon and some recall the Avataras, or incarnations of Divine Power.'[33] Because the Hindu deities rode on animals, many yoga asanas are devoted to these deified animals.[34] In the Sun Salutation asana, one is paying direct homage to Surya, the Hindu Sun Deity. The fish asana (Matsyasana) is the worship and reenactment of the Hindu deity Vishnu who turned himself into a fish to rescue people from a flood.[35] The Half Moon asana involves the identification with and worship of Ganesh, the elephant-headed God who threw part of his tusk at the moon.[36] The Tortoise asana is dedicated to the worship of Kurma the Tortoise incarnation of the God Vishnu.[37] The Downward Dog asana reenacts the Hindu worship of the dog as happens for five days each November.[38] The Hanuman asana is dedicated to the worship of the Monkey god, Hanuman.[39]

      The Warrior asana is identified with the worship of Lord Virabhadra who has a thousand arms, three burning eyes, and a garland of skulls.[40] The Corpse asana is the death or extinction of the person when unification with the Hindu deity Brahman wipes out one’s own identity and existence.[41] The Lotus asana is identified with the worship of the Hindu deity Lakshmi who sat on a lotus.[42] The Marichi asana is dedicated to the identification with and worship of Marichi, one of the seven Lords of Creation and the Grandfather of the Sun God Surya.”
      The terms ‘standing forward bend’, ‘neck rolls’, and ‘seated spinal twist’ are much less clear as to which asanas are being referred to and practised. Do you know, Andy. I question whether the neck roll even legitimately qualifies to be called yoga. Are you saying that this is a recognized asana, Andy?


      Ed Hird+


    • Check out mike Shreve, former yoga guru, and see .what he has to say about it (if u are honestly interested in knowing and not only interested in proving the article wrong). Also look up definitions of these poses then figure out why they label them the way they do. Each one has meaning and each is a form of worship.


      • Jan, my point has always been that *Satan doesn’t own these poses*. Sure, anyone can take a pose and assign pagan meaning to it — but my contention is that the pose itself, as a pose, doesn’t *inherently* carry that meaning, and a different meaning can be given it. Why do you reject this aspect of reality?


  34. **By the way, don’t stretch without first warming up. Stretching cold is a good way to get injured.


  35. Folks, I’ll take one more stab at it and then, if not successful, leave off. There’s no animosity on my part, and hopefully not on yours either. I applaud your evident desire to glorify the Lord and flee from evil.

    Ed, I certainly respect anyone’s right to disagree – but not every disagreement is reason-driven; some are emotion-driven. I believe that you are (rightly) reacting to pagan philosophy but are (wrongly) assuming that pagan philosophy “must” be attached to certain movements or postures.

    Respectfully, you missed my point in linking the video: my point was /not/ to condone Hindu philosophy or labeling. I was referring /only/ to the movements themselves, as physical movements. My point is that there are simply no grounds in the biblical worldview for thinking that the stretches /in and of themselves/ are inherently pagan or evil.

    You said, “Warrior One and Cobra are clearly identified yoga asanas” and “are far from neutral….”

    Again: I wasn’t talking about Hindu philosophy or labeling; I was referring only to the raw physicality of the stretches. I am /not/ encouraging anyone to think or speak “Hinduistically” about the exercises. I’m /only/ asking people to look at the /exercises themselves/, as physical things without labels or definitions.

    Try watching the video with the sound turned off. Just look at the physicality itself. And please answer this simple question: Is there any bodily movement or posture which – strictly as a physical thing – is inherently pagan?

    Or, to put it another way: Why should anyone think that specific bodily movements can /only/ be defined paganly? that they couldn’t possibly be done to the glory of God? Both pagans and Christians clap their hands at various events; does that make hand-clapping pagan or Christian? Who “owns” that gesture?

    Have I ever suggested “reenacting or becoming Lord Virabhadra”? No. Again, I am /only/ talking about the /physicality/ of the exercises. And I’m asking you why you think that any raw physicality /in and of itself/ has to have a pagan meaning.

    Can you not see that once upon a time, pagans /chose to attach/ pagan ideas to certain exercises and postures – but that the raw physicality of those exercises and postures comes from God . . . ? And “everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving” (1Tim. 4:4). “To the pure, all things are pure, but to the defiled and unbelieving, nothing is pure; but both their minds and their consciences are defiled.” (Ti. 1:15)

    So if I lie down on my stomach, set my palms down at chest level, and push up so as to arch my back – which is something my wife’s physio advised her to do – you’re telling me that simply by doing that movement I’m “participating in the Kundalini serpent”? Are you /seriously/ making that argument, Ed?

    I’m /not/ referring to any “asana,” because I reject such labels. I’m referring to the raw physicality of a neck roll – without any label other than “neck roll” – and the other stretches shown in the video. Again: are you arguing that just because a pagan uses a neck roll for pagan reasons – that makes a neck roll inherently pagan? that there could be no /legitimate/ reason to use the neck roll? Satan “owns” neck rolls now?

    Jan commented: “[I]f u are honestly interested in knowing and not only interested in proving the article wrong . . . look up definitions of these poses . . . .”

    Jan, I urge you to consider that no physical pose has any /inherent/ definition. Neither physical movements, nor visual symbols, nor verbal languages work that way. As human beings we /assign/ meanings to various gestures, symbols, and sounds. “Unga-bunga” as a verbal sound will mean one thing to one culture, and mean something quite different to another.

    Are you telling me you believe that Satan actually has ownership of particular movements and postures? Really…?

    I used a modern example earlier, which was unfortunately ignored. In the West we have the “A-okay” gesture: thumb tip to the tip of the index finger, the other three fingers extended. Question: Does that gesture /in and of itself/ mean “A-okay”? No; it depends on the context. If you travel to parts of Italy and make that same gesture, locals will think you’re making a crude sexual sign.

    Similarly, if I compose a tune at the piano, I can dedicate it to Satan or to God – but the tune itself has /no inherent/ meaning. It depends on who’s playing it and for what reason. I enjoy some of the music of by the German composer Richard Wagner – who also happened to be a favourite of Hitler’s. Does this mean, then, that if I listen to Wagner, I’m participating in Nazi philosophy? Of course not, for the tunes by themselves – merely as collections of notes – don’t have inherently Nazi or racist meanings. They’re /just notes/.

    So the raw physicality of the gesture (or the sound of … a sound!) has /no inherent/ meaning. Different cultures assign meanings to gestures (and sounds and symbols) in different contexts. And the same thing applies to the exercises and stretches we’ve been discussing. In one context, pagans assign pagan meanings to them – but in another context, the exercises /don’t/ have those meanings.

    Where did anyone get the idea that a particular exercise can /only/ be done in a pagan context with a pagan meaning…?

    Please, somebody, tell me you get what I’m talking about. And if you’re convinced I’m wrong, then don’t just repeat the typical anti-yoga arguments. Show me precisely what statement or point I’ve made that is incorrect, and /why/ it’s incorrect. If you can do that, you will have helped me become a more godly man! But if you cannot, then shouldn’t you admit your position is mistaken…?

    Sincerely in Christ,


    • Andy, I get you, but I replied below to Ed Hird because I’m so pathetic with the computer. Sorry.


    • I get you! And thank you for offering a thoughtful, balanced, and discerning argument on this topic!

      Liked by 1 person

    • I would like to know what is so wrong with Pagan philosophy and why christians seem to constantly be equating pagans as evil? I guess you don’t care about the billions massacred in the lord’s name? Your God is such a loving God, that “he” had your people kill those who would not bow to him, those who love and believe in what you call dark, the DIVINE MOTHER who Birthed you. Those who love the earth. So sad.


  36. Andy, I’ve explained the psychic nature of yoga and given you the examples of what the poses actually mean. Iyengar writes in Light on Yoga that certain asanas such as siddhasana awaken the siddhas, which are psychic, supernatural powers. As previously mentioned, performance of the asanas alone are known to awaken the serpent goddess Kundalini within the body. The gurus know that doing the asanas will subtly condition people toward Hindu spirituality, which is why they brought them to the west in the first place. Yoga has a track record of directly contacting with the spirit world, which the Bible describes as divination.

    In yogic Hinduism, there is no such thing as ‘raw physicality’ because the physical is an illusion. It merely functions as a vehicle to open psychic doors. The Cobra and Warrior asanas are well worth renouncing.

    I am not aware at this point that the neck roll described even qualifies as a yoga asana. Neck rolls would be ordinary calisthenics and stretching. Please correct me on that one, if I am mistaken. All genuine asanas will have a Hindi or sanskrit name.


    Ed Hird+


  37. (Sigh) Ed, why are you unwilling or unable to respond to specific points I’ve made? You say, “I’ve explained . . . what the poses actually mean.” Have I not laboured intensely to show you that **no physical pose has inherent meaning**?????

    It’s **just a pose** ….. until someone **assigns** meaning to it in a **specific context**.

    Satan **doesn’t own** the pose.

    Why do you not get that????????????????????

    Do you not get the “A-okay” illustration I used–the gesture that means one thing here but another thing in Italy? How do you not get that the same gesture (or pose or word or symbol) can meaning **different things** in different **contexts**????????????

    I give up.

    Liked by 1 person

    • So glad u r giving up, its rather wearisome. You are the one not getting it and only the Holy Spirit can open your eyes. While the devil does not own poses, in the context of yoga he he does – and it is the participant in this practice that is giving them to him.


      • Ruth, thank you very much for making my point for me: you said “in the context of yoga.” I’m surprised you didn’t notice me mentioning context over and over and over again.

        What’s more: nowhere did I ever suggest that it’s somehow “okay” for Christians to participate “in the context of yoga.” My entire position, in fact, revolves around context.

        Therefore–thank you for your support. I’m sure you’re surprised to discover we’re on the same page, huh?


    • Andy,

      We are both experiencing each other, rightly or wrongly, as unwilling or unable to respond to specific points that we have made.

      My UBC philosophy professor John Ross, an expert in Systems Thinking, taught me that there is no such thing as a simple thing. Be alert, he said, to reductionistic thinking, involving terms like ‘merely, just, only, simply’. If asanas are just poses and mantras are just words, then what would qualify, Andy, for idolatry and serving two masters? To argue that asanas and mantras have no inherent meaning is itself a meaningless reductionistic statement. Yes, some things can mean different things in different contexts, such as the ‘A-okay’, but to suggest that context is everything is to overstate the case, particularly with yogic Hinduism. Belief is not necessary in a yogic Hindu worldview in order to get the psychic effect. Few things are what they appear to be, particularly in the yogic worldview of maya/illusion.

      The historic and ongoing purpose of yogic Hinduism is to transcend the materiality of body and mind so that pure consciousness beyond the real self can awaken as the “subtle” or “spiritual” body in an altered state of consciousness to experience union in undifferentiated divinity. Yoga is a intentional technique to kill the thinking mind in order to awaken god-consciousness. This happens through both sensory-overload and sensory-deprivation, resulting from the yogic asanas and mantras.

      It has been good chatting with you, Andy. I think that I have benefited through hearing your point of view.

      In Christ,

      Ed Hird+


    • I get you completely. I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. I told my yoga instructor a few months ago, “I’m just trying to stay out of the nursing home,” and we all had a good laugh. I’ve practiced for 8 years, feel incredible and certainly don’t feel the need to damage what God has given me by going out and running miles and miles and miles. I can say without one bit of doubt that I am not worshiping when I am in a pose. BUT, I have worshiped many false gods in my life: my children, Christmas, Santa Claus, money, a preacher, my church, food, to name a few. The ridiculous part is, I’ve actually worshipped them prior to practicing yoga, and I’ve probably worshipped them a few times after. Why? Because I’m human. And for someone to tell me what my relationship with God is like is a sin. God knows my heart. Sometimes he is pleased, sometimes he is not. I CANNOT and DO NOT want to life without the Holy Spirit, and I have experienced his perfect presence in the past 8 years in ways that I never could imagine. Am I saying it has to do with yoga? I have no idea. I have been involved in deep Bible study for 11 years that completely changed my life. Yoga has not diminished this in the least. And for anyone wishing to tell me that I am going down the wrong path? You have NO IDEA the dangerous paths I have been on. But, for those wishing to judge my heart. Go right ahead. I don’t have time to argue. I have many weeds to pull.


      • This was a reply to Andy. I apologize that I’m not exactly a master at the computer.


      • Really appreciate what you’ve had to say, Katy. Thanks and God bless.


      • I completely agree with both Katy and Andy. As a hindu myself, and a yoga-goer I would have to say even I keep yoga and my religion as two separate entities in my life. Yoga, like most things in life is what you make it. If you choose to practice it as a form of exercise (as I do) then that is all it will be to you. If you want to see it as a form of worship (which I can’t even begin to understand since real Hindu practices of worship are quite different, and religious forms of yoga are very different from the pilates infused versions we see in North America) then that is exactly what it will be to you.

        There is no such conversion to hinduism. Hindu’s are born hindu’s, however people are welcome to practice it. Saying that it was brought here as a form of conversion is blatant ignorance, and close-minded thinking that we as a society are trying to get over. Like Andy has said, THEY ARE STRETCHES! Last time I stretched in a Hindu temple was NEVER. When I go to yoga, I am not thinking of my religion, I’m thinking, “After all this pain, I better be able to fit into those skinny jeans in the back of my closet”. Everything in this world is what you make it, if you choose to see negative in something, that is all it can ever be. Having said that, your choice to give up martial arts, and/or yoga is up to you, but all I have to say it you’re giving up one amazing workout 😉

        Liked by 1 person

      • Very interesting, Sangheetha. Tell me more about the impossibility of converting to Hinduism. Do all Hindus agree that you have to be born Hindu to qualify? Is that part of the caste system perspective?


        Ed Hird+


  38. Quite the article, Ed! I enjoyed it and also scanned the comments. Am not surprised at the resistance. (People love their yoga!)

    Another good article which expresses many of the same things you do in yours is by Albert Mohler. It’s here, along with links to others in a text box within the piece:



  39. @Violet: I don’t “love my yoga.” I don’t practice yoga; never have. I do some stretches after my workouts, and don’t even know offhand whether the stretches I do happen to also be done in yoga. I’ve paid no attention to such a question–because I don’t need to. My stretches are done ultimately for the Lord. Why don’t you be discerning rather than dismissive…?

    @Ed: *Please* answer my question: If I get out of my chair right this moment and lie on my stomach with my palms down at chest level, then push up so as to arch my back — am I participating in Hinduism just by doing that stretch? Yes or no.

    Thank you,


  40. Ed, thanks for sending me the link to this. You need to make this post into an ebook and sell it on Amazon. I am with you 100% and always have been on the side of not mixing Eastern religions with Christianity not matter what you call it. This is a much needed post and it’s unfortunate that it will probably be largely ignored. Thanks for sticking your neck out!


  41. I really appreciate this. You help me untangle some chords that
    knotted up, due to my many years of yoga practice. I am so glad that this has come forward. I thank Jesus for this deep entry and deep time commitment to a most valuable reality. Way to go. Thanks brother.


  42. Ed
    Your description of the Hindu understanding of Yoga is well informed and it is good for people to know this. however i do not share your argument following from that to the affect that doing the Yoga poses is an act of Hindu worship regardless of who does them or why. partly i think you have misunderstood the place of Paul’s argument in 1 Corinthians on food sacrificed to idols which is i believe relevant to this question. in that Paul reflects the Jewish approach to ancient pagan religion. the stories of pagan deities are taken over and judaized by YHWH in the OT – this is because all that is true comes from YHWH and not from the pagan pantheon – so the story of Baal creating the world and fighting leviathan is applied to YHWH, the language used for Ashteroth opening the womb fo the barren is applied to YHWH the name El is used as the word ‘God’ applied to YHWH who is depicted as El the ancient of days – but not all that is in the pagan accounts is applied to YHWH other bits are rejected as false or in some cases evil, sacrificing children to Moloch for instance! none of this means it is OK for Jews to worship Baal etc. but Judaism takes on much of the pagan language of worship and applies to YHWH. in the same way Paul says of meat sacrificed to idols that is OK because it actually comes from God and the pagans are wrong to think it has really got any connection to a pagan deity. but the OT also says of idols that they don;t exist, the are simply blocks of wood and so does Paul about the idols that the food is offered to. but as i mentioned earlier some expressions of paganism are described as demonic, the rites of Moloch for instance, and so Paul also warns of this danger. it seems to me your argument rests on Paul’s last point but ignores the previous two. you also then assume that what Hindus teach about Yoga is true, when the fact they believe it to be true doesn’t mean it is true. Paul’s answer to Yoga would i believe be to say – meditation postures can come from God and can indeed be christianized just as the meat can be eaten with a clear conscience, indeed the Hindu gods don’t actually exist, b ut do be careful for two reasons – if a Hindu sees you at a Hindu Yoga class he will see you as worshipping Hindu gods and you don;t want him to think that even if you are using it as Christian mediation. secondly be careful whilst in fact hindu gods don;t exist don’t get caught up in anything evil. so i would not do a hIndu Yoga class not because i think it would harm me but because i would send the wrong message.

    can you Christianze Yoga? i believe you can just as the early church copied the early Jews by Christianising much of European paganism – indeed Paul did this when he used poetry in praise of Zeus in his explanation of Christianity in Athens – he clearly did not think this meant he was worshiping Zeus. i note that your comments against this come from Hindus who see it as porseletysing – i suspect some of Paul’s hearers thought the same about him – i call it good missionary practice to Christianize elements of religion and culture around you – it only become syncretism when the culture absorbs and then alters the faith not whern the faith absorbs the culture. Jesus in a hindu temple would be syncretism Jesus using elements of hindu practice is not.


    • Steve, now THAT was a demonstration of biblical discernment. A superb understanding of the Bible’s own context, joined with application to our modern-day context. Way to go, brother.


  43. sorry not so brief as i had hoped ;o)


  44. (Just can’t restrain myself, apparently…) Hello again, Ed. *Please* answer my question: If I get out of my chair right this moment and lie on my stomach with my palms down at chest level, then push up so as to arch my back — am I participating in Hinduism just by doing that stretch? Yes or no.

    The answer to this question will determine the degree of truthfulness in your article and your follow-up comments.

    Thank you,


    • Hello again, Andy. You are asking about Bhujangasana, the Cobra asana. Your question reminds me of the gradual initiation of people into the thirty-three degrees of Freemasonry. At what point are they fully initiating? When does a little bit of dabbling become more serious? Yoga does not own any particular posture. To intentionally do yoga is to open oneself up, albeit gradually, to a systemic worldview and identity. It does not usually happen overnight. The deeper a person enters in, the greater the psychic impact.

      What if I asked you the same question in the other direction? At what point would this asana qualify for you as serving two masters? What would need to happen for it to be idolatrous? Would the following qualify? “Let the body, from navel to toes, touch the ground, the palms placed upon the ground, and raise gently the upper part of the body (from navel to head) like a snake. This posture increases the gastric fire; it destroys all diseases and by constant practice leads to the awakening of Kundalini.” – The Gheranda-samhita II.42-43.

      Read more: http://www.fitnessrepublic.com/yoga/poses/cobra-pose.html#ixzz2SqfUNthg

      Here is a quote from one former participant about the Cobra asana: http://pilgrim777.wordpress.com/table-of-contents/24-the-spiritual-stretch-of-yoga “I remembered a teacher in the cobra pose, who was encouraging the class to ask what would it feel like to be a cobra. And she said: “Become the cobra”…!! Looking back at this moment, I recognize the deceptive work of the serpent…!! Here I was in the cobra pose trying to become a cobra….!! What an embarrassing, pathetic episode….!!”

      Dabbling with Kundalini cobra yoga is nothing that I would ever recommend for others. What do you think of the following thoughts about Kundalini cobra yoga?


      Ed Hird+


  45. Ed, I will answer your question in a moment.

    But first, I’m sorry to have to point out that you are unwilling to discern in this case. You falsely believe Satan has ownership of certain bodily movements — contrary to what Scripture teaches about all of creation in 1Tim. 4:4 (cf. Rom. 14:14; 1Cor. 10:25-26; Ti. 1:15).

    Discernment is about making distinctions; you’re unwilling to make the distinction between (a) an exercise performed for Hindu gods, and (b) the same exercise performed for Christ. You falsely assume that the exercise is inherently evil and cannot be divorced from a Hindu setting or usage. You completely forget that the bodily movement in itself was originally something God created, “and it was good” (Gen. 1) — but it was *illegitimately* commandeered by pagans for their own ends. Instead of taking it back for the glory of Christ, you’d prefer to just acquiesce. Do you then also reject the rainbow because it’s been illegitimately used by homosexuals as a symbol of gay pride?

    Therefore you create a hard-and-fast rule on the issue, rather than use discernment — which is precisely what the Pharisees did.

    Now to answer your question: A Christian slides into paganism when s/he performs *any* act (not just exercises) for ungodly purposes. And while a Christian may not themselves be practicing Hinduism while participating in a yoga class — because the Christian could be doing it for godly purposes — they may still be using poor judgment by inadvertently signalling to the unbelievers who see them in that class, that they’re “endorsing” pagan yoga.

    If, however, a Christian performs the very same physical exercises in a NON-PAGAN CONTEXT, for non-pagan reasons — then they’re *not* practicing paganism!


  46. Appreciating the time and energy you put into your blog
    and in depth information you offer. It’s nice to come across a blog every once in a while that isn’t the same old rehashed information.
    Fantastic read! I’ve saved your site and I’m adding your RSS feeds to my Google


  47. This is a great article.
    Do not be deceived. God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap. Gal 6:7
    I have not fully contemplated this issue; it is lengthy and complex. My initial thought is that while there is grace, this article makes strong points about the act of worship in relation to the wrong gods. God made our bodies, but why would we knowingly use eastern methods opening us to demonic activity? There is so much about our bodies we do not know. I wonder how much “divine” knowledge has been given in Eastern religions due to their willingness to succumb to their worship practices. We westerners are way out of touch with the spirit world.
    When the Israelites incorporated other religious paraphernalia and worship it was evil in God’s eyes. Kings did not truly please God until they tore down the places of idol worship. Now that our bodies are the temple, should we pose in ways regarded for idols and defile our bodies? Idols cannot talk, but the spirits behind them are real.
    We are not to be legalistic about it, but I agree that this falls into the catgory of serving two masters. Once you know, you are responsible for that knowledge.


    • “We westerners are way out of touch with the spirit world.” You are so right, Stephanie. I don’t think most people in this part of the world have even an inkling of what happens in the spirit realm. People innocently bring back souvenirs from Eastern countries, items that have had curses placed on them which can play havoc with their lives. Without realizing it, we can be praying witchcraft prayers against someone when we try to enforce our own wills in those prayers for others. Our negative thoughts towards others can cause a lot of turmoil in their lives, but most people do not see this. And so I believe in the same way, though no “religion” has a monopoly on body positions, there can be curses on them because of the strong association with the Hindu religion where they are revered and used as a means of worship.


  48. Succesbemine ??? OK just intrigued by that choice of name ;o) i think your argument has real problems. OK i totally agree that many westerners don’t take the spirit world seriously but i don’t think arguments like this take it Christianly. is God Lord or the devil? God is bigger than any curse that may or may not be on any item, we have nothing to fear in this regard. this is not to say if i were foolish enough to seek to use magic to summon a spirit i might not be harmed but we are in no danger from some object whatever someone else believes it to be – unless someone through their bad theology scares us and allows the devil a foothold. OK now in there i think there is a good point – i do indeed think you are wise to warn about the power of our negative thoughts – but i am concerned that arguments like this also curse people by placing them in bondage to fear of evil spirits that God has power over.


    • I used to have a home-based business so hence the user name successbmine. I think you are forgetting that the Bible also warns us that “For lack of knowledge My people perish”. The lack of awareness in the Western Church concerning the devil’s tactics sets them up for attack and often his oppression. If we learn spiritual warfare, we do not need to fear the devil. Once we become Christians, we are in a war whether we like it or not. Anyone going into battle without armor and weapons, thinking they don’t have to fight, is going to be overpowered. In natural warfare, those people would be the first to lose their lives. That is why the curses on these objects can affect the lives of Christians – lack of knowledge of their meaning. There are many books available today that teach on this very thing, and the church is just beginning to understand it. Those who choose to ignore it will find themselves unprepared for the battle and quite possibly a casualty of the war.


      • thanks for the explanation of the name ;o)

        knowledge is indeed good and yes we are in a battle – but i think the enemy is given more power in certain areas than is warranted by what i consider to be poor knowledge. the real arena most of us have to be wary of is temptation not curses on objects.

        as i said earlier actively entering the realm of spirits may indeed lead to spiritual harm – randomly picking up a cursed object is far less of an issue – now partly here there is also an issue of just how many such objects might be thought to exist, how might an object be cursed? there are indeed some people who cast curses, so that might be one way, but there are not many. an object used in magical ritual that is in the presence of evil might also be cursed, but again this is not common.

        i think it bad theology to consider anything with any religious meaning to be cursed if used in a non-christian religion, but i know some people would disagree. we are now back to the discussion which goes through this thread of whether an action because it can be seen as Hindu opens oneself to evil spiritual forces to which my answer based on scripture and expereince is emphatically no it does not. neither do Hindu objects carry curses simply because they are Hindu. the danger here is that badly taught Christians get locked into fear of random objects, postures, places, and or people for fear of dangerous curses that in most cases do not exist, and even if they do it is fearing them that is the most likely thing to open you to being harmed.


  49. Great article,

    we humans were created to worship. Anything outside of what is godly is worldly. There is more to God not liking worldly beliefs than just us turning away. Father God knows best in what best builds his people. We are to be set apart for Christ.

    Colossians 2:8-10
    English Standard Version (ESV)

    8 See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits[a] of the world, and not according to Christ. 9 For in him the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily, 10 and you have been filled in him, who is the head of all rule and authority.


  50. I did one yoga class a few years ago and was unable to participate fully because so many of the poses require you to place a lot of body weight on your hands. This is something I am actually physically incapable of doing for long periods of time, due to tendinitis and pinched nerves in my upper body. So yoga is not something that I am likely to become involved in at any time.

    I do, of course, stretch, both before and after my aquacize class and before and after I go out for a run or a walk. Stretching is vital, as it is how I avoid injuring my body. The stretches I do are ones that I have determined work best for my particular muscles and exercise choices. Some were learned at Curves, some were learned from the internet, and some were learned from my physiotherapist. None of them were learned in the context of yoga.

    And I think that’s what we should really be focusing on here.

    Stretching, as a part of your every day health routines, is important and good. Yoga, when done as yoga, even if it’s supposedly divorced from its Hindu roots, is probably not the best way to get your stretching done. What I think Ed may be trying to get across here is that Christianizing yoga is still doing yoga, and that opens you up to Hinduism given how intertwined the two really are. I suppose some of the stretches I do are yoga poses, but I have no idea if they are, and I’m not doing them in that context and didn’t learn them in that context. They are just stretches, and when I’m doing them my mind is fully occupied by counting out the seconds (I typically do 10s and then deepen the stretch and hold it for another 10s). I rarely think about anything else when I’m stretching, except possibly the temperature of the water (when I’m stretching for aquacize) and the weather (when I’m stretching for a walk or a run).

    If I’m going to attempt to meditate (something my ADHD brain hates with a passion), I’m going to be playing some lovely instrumental Christian music, I’m going to have art materials and a Bible nearby just in case I need them, and I’m going to be doing it in the context of prayer and worship of the Triune God. I don’t need or want to combine meditation with stretching.


    • Karalianne: Hello. These are your two key lines:

      “What I think Ed may be trying to get across here is that Christianizing yoga is still doing yoga, and that opens you up to Hinduism given how intertwined the two really are. I suppose some of the stretches I do are yoga poses, but I have no idea if they are, and I’m not doing them in that context and didn’t learn them in that context.”

      Unfortunately, your second line contradicts the first. If various exercises can be divorced from a pagan context, and vested with new meaning in a new context–as you have here attested–then that means that “yoga” (i.e., only the physical exercises; hence the quotation marks) CAN be “Christianized”–by placing the exercises in a Christian, God-honouring context.

      The problem with Ed’s article is that he treats these exercises as if Satan owns them and no one else may use them without serving Satan. That is simply *not* true.


  51. I agree with most of what you have said Ed, and believe Christian copies of yoga can be sketchy at best. However, I also see a place for slow stretching movements (which physically is what Yoga is), as long as they are not done in the same forms and poses as Yoga. I personally have used a program called Whole fit to be helpful in this as it gives similar type of exercise, while not doing the same movements as Yoga.


    • Robert, please substantiate, from the Bible, your assumption that the Devil owns particular forms and poses. Why do you falsely ascribe so much power to Satan . . . ?


  52. I am glad to be a visitor of this unadulterated weblog ! , thanks for this rare information! .


  53. Interesting and enlightening! I suppose we should not be amazed at how the enemy tries to deceive us into worshipping him, even in exercises. This article reminds me of the book “Pagan Christianity” and all of the things we do (in church especially) that have roots in pagan belief systems. I’m in Texas, and the thing that is really taking off here is “Zumba” exercises classes. I don’t do those classes because I have no idea what the musical artists are saying. Plus, there’s just something about it that doesn’t sit well with me – can’t put my finger on it. BUT you have certainly put me into investigation mode!


    • Michelle, Zumba seems pretty innocuous to me:

      Is it possible that “something doesn’t sit well with” you because you’re giving way unnecessarily to fear . . . ?

      Don’t misunderstand me: I fully believe in what the Bible teaches about the seductive and destructive power of Satan–but I also reject the hyper-charismatic mentality of looking for a demon behind every bush.

      We need to fear the Lord and put His word into action–and I don’t see His word telling me that Satan owns any particular body movement or pose, or that such things carry “curses.” If you see the Bible teaching otherwise, please tell me the passages wherein you found that teaching (I’d be grateful for new insight).


  54. successbmine said: “though no “religion” has a monopoly on body positions, there can be curses on them because of the strong association with the Hindu religion….”

    There is absolutely /zero/ biblical evidence for this. This is a hyper-charismatic assumption with no basis in Scripture. This is the kind of thinking that dumbs down discernment and creates unnecessary fear.

    “. . . the curses on these objects can affect the lives of Christians – lack of knowledge of their meaning.”

    Similarly, there is /zero/ biblical evidence that objects carry “curses.”

    Liked by 1 person

  55. Hello again, Ed. *Please* answer my earlier question: If I get out of my chair right this moment and lie on my stomach with my palms down at chest level, then push up so as to arch my back — am I participating in Hinduism just by doing that stretch? Yes or no.

    This is a very simple question, so I’m unsure as to why you keep ducking it.

    Thank you,

    Liked by 1 person

  56. Hello back again, Andy. You keep saying that you are not coming back. Good to chat with you. As you may be aware, there are many of my questions to you that you have either avoided or not answered. I would be happy to respond to your question. It would be great if you responded to my earlier questions as well.

    I simply wish to affirm the Lordship of Jesus Christ in one’s life. My contention is that if Jesus is my Lord, then yoga is not. I can live without yoga, while still respecting the right of others who wish to practice it. I could not in good conscience commend it to fellow Christians.

    The cobra asana is not mere stretching, but is a mind control technique that has been developed over many centuries with proven psychic results. I would never recommend that a person, particularly a follower of Jesus Christ, participate in the cobra asana which was developed to awaken the kundalini cobra shakra.

    I am sure that you would agree that Jesus is Lord of our bodies, which are the temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19). That is why many Christians make use of their bodies in worship, kneeling , arms elevated, or even prostrate. How we use our bodies is an expression of our identity in Christ. We need not be afraid that through involvement in stretching and calisthenics, we may accidentally be stretching in a way that might look like yoga. Even with its 1,500 asana poses, yoga does not own the world of calisthenics and stretching. Accidental similarities do not concern me.

    A Christian is free to do stretching and calisthenics. I do pushups and back stretches virtually every day. Stretching one’s back, if done within one’s medical limits, is a healthy thing. To intentionally imitate the specific moves of a Hindu yogic asana, like the cobra asana, would only lend to confusion. You may have heard of the story of the Camel in the tent. It is important not to think in a Western individualistic way when trying to understand yoga, but rather to understand it systemically and historically. This is why yogic Hinduism is called the embrace that smothers. Hatha Yoga is the ‘marijuana’ entry level for more serious yoga practices. The bible does not encourage us to see how close to the line we can get before we fall in, but rather to flee idolatry. For a Christian to practice yogic Hinduism is to participate knowingly or unknowingly in syncretism and idolatry.

    Andy, you still haven’t answered my question clearly about when practising yoga would qualify as idolatrous. You used the vague word ‘pagan’ regarding idolatrous yoga. What would that actually look like? Many forget that the necessity of belief or intentional worship is unnecessary for yogic initiation, as it is technique-based, not belief-based in its initial forms. The belief or meaning structure is often introduced much later at a deeper level of initiation. Do you believe, Andy, that Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life, that no one comes to the Father except through Jesus? (John 14:6) I hope that you believe that Jesus died on the cross for our sins and rose physically from the dead that by faith in Christ, we might be forgiven and live forever.


    Ed Hird+


  57. Thanks Ed,

    This is a profoundly interesting post. Recently, I have been contemplating Yoga just to get into shape. Until reading this I had almost convinced myself that it was no biggie. Thanks! Also thank you for the statement of truth that transcends even your subject matter:

    “For many Westerners, all that matters is that something seems to be working. We rarely look under the hood of our cars.”

    Wow! say again and again. It needs to be heard.


  58. Perfectly executed. St. Dominic taught his followers the ‘postures of prayer’ that are still practiced today. The mind follows the body, the spirit follows them both. Well done.


  59. Certainly well researched and detailed, Ed. Thank you for making me pause and consider what you have offered here in this excellent article. I have never done yoga per se, however occasionally in exercise classes I have attended, instructors have tried to describe a stretch using yoga terminology. I agree that intentional yoga affects the spirit but I think the Christian who is stretching, relaxing, exercising and so forth and ‘accidentally assumes a yoga pose’ is not leaving themselves open to spiritual blackness and invasion. To me it all boils down to the motivation of your heart – which Jesus knows.


  60. Thank you for writing this article- with the explanations of the poses and their connection to the spirit world. Since reading Frank Perretti’s books, “This Present Darknes” and “Piercing the Darkness” in my early adult years, I have felt that there was definitely more than meets the eye when it comes to meditation and yoga. I have chronic health challenges, including fibro-myalgia, and I was referred to a 3 day seminar on stress reduction at my local university hospital- but as soon as I heard that 75% of the time would be spent on learning yoga, a BIG red flag went up!! I prayed about it, talked with my spouse, and decided that opening my mind to divination was just not worth the ‘possible’ good effects and I told the registration nurse that I wasn’t interested, thank you. But since then, there has been a niggling question in the back of my mind, whether it would have been worth it to just check out. I am so thankful for this article- that confirmed what my spirit had been saying for years- that it is not ókay’ even under the so-called ‘grace’ philosophy which is prevalent in western-churches. This philosophy says that God created everything- and Satan polluted some of those things with his deception- but as long as we ‘glorify God’ while doing, then we are ‘redeeming’ the action! This philosophy is great justification for a whole lot of actions which would have been identified at the least as ‘vices’ and more probably ‘sin’ by early Christians- who understood the importance of separating oneself to holiness. Personally, I can not allow myself to choose to be in the midst of yogic actions- which are so greatly connected to psychic infiltrations.

    Liked by 1 person

  61. I have been doing some reading on the Roman Catholic religious views on this Yoga issue, and am aghast that they actually condone the practice of Yoga (under certain “caveats”)!

    An excerpt from an article in the May, 2012 ed. of “Catholic Answers Magazine” — (“one of the best magazines on Catholic apologetics and evangelization”).
    The Trouble with Yoga:
    A Catholic may practice the physical postures, but with caveats

    “While Some Aspects of Christian Meditation is liberally quoted by some Catholic critics of yoga, they ignore its observation that “genuine practices of meditation which come from the Christian East and from the great non-Christian religions, which prove attractive to the man of today who is divided and disoriented, [can] constitute a suitable means of helping the person who prays to come before God with an interior peace, even in the midst of external pressures” (Aspects, 28; emphasis added).

    **Unfortunately, Catholic critics of yoga often rely on Protestant Fundamentalists to make their case against yoga.** This may be understandable, given the scarcity of informed Catholic critiques on which to draw. **But Protestant approaches to Christianity often differ significantly from mainstream Catholic approaches.** This is especially the case when it comes to Protestant Fundamentalists, such as Dave Hunt, who are hostile not only to yoga but also to Catholicism and yet are quoted without qualification or caveat in Catholic materials (again, in the Women of Grace Study Series).

    Bottom line –

    Should you take up yoga? As a spiritual path, yoga is incompatible with Christian spirituality. But if you can separate the spiritual/meditational aspects of yoga from the body postures and breathing techniques common to yoga, then you might be able to use those postures and techniques beneficially for health. If you’re at all unsure of your ability to do so, you may well be advised to find another form of exercise.

    It is important for Catholics to know that yoga should neither be hallowed nor damned. As a spiritual path for Eastern peoples unfamiliar with Christianity, it may serve to assist them as “they seek freedom from the anguish of our human condition either through ascetical practices or profound meditation or a flight to God with love and trust” (Nostra Aetate 2).

    On the other hand, Christians seek as the goal of their prayer to “flow into the way to the Father, which is how Jesus Christ has described himself. In the search for his own way, each person will, therefore, let himself be led not so much by his personal tastes as by the Holy Spirit, who guides him, through Christ, to the Father” (Aspects, 29).
    As a former RC, I can now fully understand why so many Catholics are dabbling with New Age and Eastern religions, etc., and still believe that they are good Catholics (or good Christians). I used to think so, myself, dabbling with the occult while searching for something more…

    (By the way, Christian apologist Dave Hunt passed away in April of this year.)


  62. Thank you, pastor, for not being ashamed of the gospel, which is the power of God unto salvation for those who believe. Thank you for unashamedly proclaiming truth and calling Christian yoga out for what it truly is, Christian Hinduism.


  63. Thank you, Ed for posting this…though I didn’t read the whole thing, I believe I read enough to appreciate what you have done in exposing yoga for what it truly is… many years ago (when I was 18 or 19 years old) I experienced “transcendental meditation” which was supposed to be fine for anyone from any religious background… but later learned how a person practicing this is actually making themselves vulnerable to the demonic realm… and whereas I wondered the same thing about yoga, I didn’t have enough information to say one way or the other… until I read this today… so thank you again, very much for taking the time to write it… I pray God’s protection and grace over you and your loved ones, and that there were be no retaliation against you for exposing this.

    Liked by 1 person

  64. Thank you, Ed. GREAT article, thoroughly researched. I haven’t been swayed either way yet – I agree with Andy’s arguments, yet I am also aware of the lack of discernment in Western Christianity. Let’s just say I’m still processing… However, God did speak to me personally one time about yoga, and I’d like to share that story. Before I do, I’d like to ask a seemingly unrelated question – why do we celebrate Christmas? First, there is no biblical command to celebrate Jesus’ birthday – no festival even closely related. Yet Christians across America war every December to “keep Christ in Christmas!!!” Was he even in that December 25th festival in the first place? Not really. I can see Roman Emperor, Constantine’s, dilemma in 300AD: He’s now a Christian. It’s now wrong to celebrate the December 25th pagan celebration that worships the Sun God, Ra. What to do, what to do??? If he cancels the celebration, all the shop owners and people who make money off of the festival will be TICKED. This will affect our commerce!! Ooo!! I know!! Let’s just change it! Instead of worshipping the SUN GOD, let’s just make it about the SON OF GOD!! And people can still make their money, but let’s make sure they sell stuff about baby Jesus instead, and find ways to make all the symbols Christian!!
    So now what? Here we are, 2000 years later, still participating in the festival that was initiated and dedicated to the Sun God, Ra, but we’ve made it about Jesus. And Jesus never told us to do anything like that (Be baptized, break bread in remembrance of me, and DON’T forget my birthday!!!! Um, no). So, shall we tell everyone to stop celebrating on December 25th? Seriously, do the research – most of the symbols of Christmas have origins in paganism. Is God offended that we have combined a pagan festival with celebrating his birth? Have we opened ourselves to spiritual oppression by integrating this pagan festival with Christianity?
    In regards to Yoga, I was doing some of the Christian yoga dvd’s for a while, and started incorporating worship and prayer into it. One time, while on a personal retreat, I started the exercises on the beach, and in my heart started praising God. Then he spoke – “Those poses don’t worship me. They are dedicated to other gods.” I said, “Hmmm… I guess it’s not very worshipful for me to talk to you with my rear up in the air for downward facing dog, is it?” He said, “not really.” So we sat on the beach and talked for a while, and I told him I was sorry if I offended him in any way. From that experience, I don’t think it’s possible to blend true WORSHIP of God and the spiritual practice of true yoga together. I think there’s another blog out by a Hindu guy that says the same thing.
    So now that brings me to Andy’s argument, are the exercises in themselves offensive to God, if NOT used in any kind of worship? My daughter, Anna, the resident gymnast, does lots of backbends and backflips. As part of warm ups and cool downs, she stretches out her back in what would look like the cobra thing. Is that pose offensive? Is she opening herself up to demonic influences by stretching out her back? I don’t think so. She gave her life to Christ and is owned by him.
    Here’s where discernment and common sense comes in. If the yoga class offered by the local YMCA has a mixture of other stretches combined with Pilates, the focus is physical, not spiritual. It’s not an act of worship, unless you include the narcissism of some of the spandex-wearing folks. However, I think we should be on guard if there’s any meditative or spiritual element involved. Ultimately, it comes down to where you set your heart and mind. Should we as followers of Christ campaign against Yoga? Should we stop celebrating on December 25th because it was once a pagan holiday? Are people turning to yoga because it actually gives them some form spiritual discipline or challenge that we lack in our often warm and fuzzy, watered down form of baby Jesus western Christianity? Are we questioning from a place of fear and judgment, or wisdom and discernment? Lots of things to think and pray about…

    Ed, I’d like to ask, what human spiritual hunger is yoga falsely feeding, that should be met by Jesus and his followers? In your research, have you seen what has made yoga so appealing (other than flexibility and nice muscle tone)? And what is the church doing in response to that spiritual hunger?

    I may be wrong, but I feel like the church has gotten stuck in this place where we always point out things “wrong” and “satanic” and then don’t offer true spiritual food people are looking for as the alternative. What spiritual need drives people to the practice of yoga, and how could Jesus Christ meet that?
    “Take heart! I have overcome the world!”

    Again, great article. Sorry if I offended anyone with my thoughts on Christmas. Peace and love to all.


    • Melody,

      I respect those who don’t wish to celebrate Jesus’ birth. To me, it is adiaphora, an nonessential. Whether we celebrate Jesus’ birth is on a different level as to whether we take part in psychic techniques designed to produce sensory deprivation and sensory overload.


      Ed Hird+


      • Do you think the psychic techniques which lead to sensory deprivation/overload happen if certain poses are done sporadically – like if they are mixed in or around with other non-yoga related exercises, or do they have to be performed in a certain order or rhythm? It seems to me that it would take significant daily practice and a concentrated mindset in order to get to that level of an altered state of consciousness. If that’s the case, where does one draw the line? If one is taking a now popular PiYo class (pilates combined with yoga), are they at risk of self-hypnosis? I’m not asking this as a challenge, but really for more information.


  65. Another question I have: Is it possible for someone, especially someone whose mind has been given to Christ, to be negatively affected through those psychic practices mentioned above, if they CHOOSE not to be?

    And another – what of practices in the marine corps that have a similar end result: techniques, training in sensory deprivation and overload that will enable a soldier to function in a combat setting?
    Are those techniques in and of themselves “wrong” if there’s no religious affiliation?


  66. Ed- I read this paper while back and I really appreciate your in depth examination of the “spirituality” of yoga. I do a workout program which includes some yoga moves. They are offered without any direction other than how to execute the pose. That being said, I hate yoga. I’ve never done any of the contemplative forms and never will. The reality is that most of the conventional stretching exercises borrow from yoga so I don’t have a gripe about using a particular pose as a means of stretching before or after other exercise.

    I cannot justify doing “Christian Yoga” While the baptism of pagan elements is not unknown, Yoga as a spiritual discipline carries far too much baggage and attempting to make it “holy” by changing words is syncretism at it’s best.

    I did martial arts for several years and was fortunate that the studio did not even mention the mystic side of the art. It was Tae Kwan Do which is much less focused on “inner strength (chi)”. It was really just a good fitness and self defense program.

    I have a Mixed Martial Arts workout series and at the end of one of the workouts they get into some mild mysticism as part of the stretching. I turn that part of the DVD off and just stretch. I find that I am viscerally affected by that part of martial arts. You could call it discernment, but I am, spiritually, very uncomfortable with it.

    I exercise regularly and truly enjoy it. It is often a spiritual experience filled with prayer. I used to pray the rosary while swimming laps (one Hail Mary per length). Seeking a deeper spirituality through a particular exercise is idolatry in my book.

    Thanks again for your thoughts and work.



  67. Thanks Ed,
    I like the way you have put the issue in a scholarly, but open presentation. The enemy of our souls is so good at what he does as he come as an angel of light. Many of the patterns you have brought into the open are parallel to the Masonic deception that insidiously comes into the lives of people and often the fabric of our entire culture.
    Uncovering the Hindu foundations and giving viable references is good. I was wondering if there should be a link to follow up deeper-level presentations that gives equal contrast comparison of Christian contrasts or truths from the Word that would help those with a Christian background fill the voids left with a renouncing of Yoga with the truth or reinforcement of the Word.

    If the Christian Body is so weak or even Biblically illiterate that these subtle entrances can get a stronghold they may need help in regaining their strength.


  68. Excellent, extensive, and much needed research. I do not practice yoga but I did, back in my pre-Christian days, practice Transcendental Meditation for a year. That is the very reason I stayed away from yoga. I got into the meditation based on an article saying even Catholic priests were doing it. It was like eating a Hershey bar. Foolish I know, but I was young and foolish at the time.
    So many of my friends, believers and unbelievers alike, are wholly committed to yoga. The soccer mom comparison you make it right on target.
    The actual historical background should be enough to make a person pull back and walk away.


  69. Hi ed. I find that I am much more earthy with my spirituality these days. I don’t look at yoga with all the baggage. I am trying not to look at christianity with all its baggage too. If people judged christianity by its institutional and secret baggage, it would be toast. Actually, maybe that is why the church seems to becoming sterile; people cant reconcile it anymore. Anyway, just some of my thoughts. i am finding i dislike the institutional side of many things these days. i am much more spiritual than that institutional feels comfortable with 🙂


  70. Hello Ed,

    Thanks for the opportunity to comment on your article. It was a lengthy read…a little too much to digest while at work. However, I scanned it and perused the responses from your readers.

    Briefly, my thoughts are that Satan always takes what God has designed and created for good and perverts it…food, music, sexual relations, and so on. I don’t know enough about Yoga but have stayed away from it because I was at least aware of its religious roots.

    Are there bodily movements that are blatantly dishonoring to God and fleshly or sensual? Yes. Everyone is familiar with the late Elvis’ hip shake or Michael Jackson’s crotch grab and I suppose there are body movements and/or stretches that are pagan at the core.

    Lastly, I do think we need to be careful about condemning everything that has and is being practiced by pagans. We need to see if the practice is a perversion or distortion of something that God has at one time called “good.”

    I notice how my dog stretches in the morning when she awakes and before she begins her daily dog tasks. I think stretching is good (as you do). If someone has taken the time to identify the various parts of the human anatomy that would benefit from stretching, I’m sure that some of those stretches would intersect with the Yoga positions…I think this is what Andy was trying to communicate.

    Do we condemn a valuable exercise just because it is claimed by those who practice Yoga? I don’t think so. But again, I am speaking from the posture of one who hasn’t researched this thoroughly as you.



    • The challenge with the downward dog asana and the cobra asana are that they are carefully designed worship postures which were invented to reenact connection with and as specific Hindu deities. I have no problem with stretching exercises in general, which I do daily. I am saying that when I took part in yoga, in the form of martial arts, I was serving two masters, which Jesus warns against. The deeper one delves into yoga, the greater the syncretistic effect. An analogy could be the progressive initiation of Free Masonry which at the Third Degree level looks more relatively innocuous, but still is clearly initiatory in nature.


  71. There are no Hindu Deities in the first place and my second point will be brief the church in general must address the lack intimacy in it’s spiritual practices, I understand that most Pastor’s are uninterested or intimidated by even church meditation practices and would prefer just the Liturgy.


  72. Dear Ed,
    Thank you for bringing your post to my attention. Congratulations on a well researched, insightful and clearly articulated blog on Yoga. You are on the right track and I agree with your analysis and conclusion. Thank you for taking the time and the trouble to do this piece of work. I am also glad that you made the connections between Yoga and the martial arts.

    I am leaving Trinity College Bristol to take on the role of Rector of St. John’s Church at New Haven on the campus of Yale from the 1 of August 2013. Do keep me in the loop.

    Best wishes,

    George Kovoor


  73. Ed. Many thanks for “fighting the good fight” and defending the faith. I am far from knowledgable about Yoga; however, I know enough to recognize that it is at its root religious and dark in nature. It is by nature and practice deceptive and seductive! In short, IMHO, it is Idolatry. But even more important, Christians must realize that it is also a very deceptive spiritual warfare.

    Thanks for your great research and the “truth” you are proclaiming!

    All for the Glory of Jesus Christ!



  74. I really enjoyed reading this article, Ed. I don’t practice yoga, honestly, but your article gave me some good insight into it, should I ever think that I might want to practice it. After reading your article, I know for sure that I won’t. You brought out so many good points. I strongly believe that we as Christians should never do anything that is in opposition to God, if we know ahead of time that it consists of evil. I do wish they’d put prayer back in the schools for our children. I honestly believe that there is so much more going on in the world that I’m not aware of;sometimes I think I’m better off not knowing because it really upsets me. My main focus as a Christian is to live my life where others can see Christ living in me. In fact, that is our duty as Christians. I’m convinced that after we’re saved, our main purpose is to live for the Lord and to help as many as we can get into the sheepfold. Thank you for taking the time to research yoga, and for having the courage to write a strong article. ‘May God bless you’ is our prayer.


  75. Thank you, Ed, for this critically needed information alerting unsuspecting Christians worldwide. The Bible is clear, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being My priest” (Hos 4:6). He continues on: “I am the Lord, that is My name; I will not share My glory with another, nor My praise to graven images” (Isa 42:8). Believe me, He won’t. And here’s one of the clearest consequences for possessing, touching, partaking of something God has deemed “banned” for His people, “Israel has sinned, and they have also transgressed My covenant which I commanded them. And they have even taken some of the things under the ban and have both stolen and deceived. Moreover, they have also put them among their own things. Therefore the sons of Israel cannot stand before their enemies; they turn their backs before their enemies, for they have become accursed. I will not be with you anymore unless you destroy the things under the ban from your midst” (Josh 7:11-12).

    The Lord is clear–We are to have NO association whatsoever with what He deems unclean, paganistic, and unholy. This account in Joshua Chapter 7, reveals the seriousness of doing something forbidden in regard to disobedience and embracing another “religion”. Whether knowingly or unknowingly. We must pay attention to the weight of the words: “they have also put them among their own things.” THAT, is perhaps, the most frightening statement made. To commingle the profane with the holy….complete with the personal comfort of doing so without regret or conviction.

    Joshua 7’s battle at Ai was to be one of the Hebrews’ easiest wins. It wasn’t a large assemblage of people to overtake. Even their spies returned stating the entire army needn’t go out to war; just 2,000-3,000 men. What was a given, became their greatest defeat. Why? Because Achan stole and hid items that were forbidden to God’s people. The result? 3,000 Hebrews were slain by Ai’s tiny army. Achan ultimately lost his life, his family’s lives, and everything connected to him for this act of folly. As well as being personally responsible for the deaths of 3,000 innocent and obedient soldiers. His laissez faire attitude created 3,000 widows and fatherless children! God won’t tolerate the worshiping of other gods. Period. “Thou shalt not have any gods besides Me,” is a very clear commandment. This includes yoga’s stretching positions to soothing music on a foam mat with friends.

    As a late teenager, I too, attended yoga classes for “stretching and relaxation”. A couple of years later, I came into God’s Kingdom and covenant. Disentangling myself from yoga was no easy task. Its dark, insidious, spiritual side had woven itself deep into my life–UNKNOWINGLY. And I alone, gave it the authority to do so. I wholly concur with your conclusions, Ed. It IS indeed the “embrace that smothers,” “cloaks its rites in secrecy,” and is the “missionary arm of Hinduism and the New Age movement.” You have sounded the alarm to alert the Bride of the seemingly innocent trap laid not-so-innocently before her. Christians should be running…RUNNING…from this covert thief; which like the python, wraps its coils about the victim until crushed with suffocation and consumed. Our enemy is a master of disguise, even with ability to appear as an angel of light. To believe we can “Christianize” paganism and its battle for our soul, is to invite infestation of things too frightening to envision. Yes, we perish for lack of knowledge…because we have chosen to reject knowledge. Blowing the shofar was reserved for limited use only. One of which, was to alert the innocent that the enemy was at hand. God’s love overflows toward His children—but our refusal to alter our familiar lifestyle, or “justified” activities—earn us the bottom line of those destructive choices. There is more than one way to die while continuing to live; and pushing the Lord aside for the sake of meeting friends at a stretching class steeped in paganism with spiritual consequences, invites separation from God’s holiness.

    I would urge your readers to explore the Word of God and discover for themselves His opinion of their participation in that which He deems profane (anything opposite holiness). Standing before Him and suggesting their actions were simply innocuous (despite the influences brought into their homes and around their children as a result of their participation)—will simply not stand up before His holiness. You certainly can’t plead “ignorance of the law” before an earthy judge. How much more a truly righteous Judge? God’s directives are not to keep us from having a fun or full life—they are in place to give us a life of overflowing and uninterrupted fellowship with Him. Even though it may not appear as such initially, it is all motivated out of His inseparable love for each of us. He will not share His glory with another. If one insists upon interacting with strange gods, they can be confident the Lord will be unwelcome in the environment they have created. His holiness will depart as it cannot be sustained in this manner. Simply stated by another, “The absence of God—is hell.” Remember Lot’s wife. Why would any Believer risk the absence of God’s glorious presence? The absence of His care and concern? The absence of His blessings? The absence of Him meeting our needs? Not everything is negotiable. And this is one of those things.


  76. Remarkable post! You must believe it, you must speak it. Big thanks Ed!


  77. In a similar way your voice blends completely with that of the Apostle Paul in 2 Cor.11:3 “But I am afraid that, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, your minds will be led astray from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ.” Thanks for your efforts to direct God’s people to Christ during a season when spiritual confusion is running rampant in North America, even in the Church. God bless and keep you.


  78. Well, If I were married to a great NFL QB and I adored him and was proud of him, would I wear his jersey or one from another QB b/c that jersey was cuter and brought out the color of my eyes? Haha silly analogy, but I’m talking about loyalty in front of the world. I imagine it grieves–well, I know it grieves God when we look like we’re sinning–he says “avoid all *appearance* of evil.”

    Of course, we know He looks on the heart and He doesn’t see us desiring Hinduism, but He also doesn’t see us desiring HIM so much that we refuse to look like pagans. That’s the bottom line.
    We’re Christians. We should look and act like it.

    His love is unconditional but His presence and blessings in our lives are conditional on our obedience, Jesus says. John 14:21.

    And I was so happy to see a book released by conservative Southern Baptists, _Spiritual Warfare, the Battle for God’s Glory_ by Jerry Rankin, head of 5000 missionaries in the International Mission Board. He talks about how to live right in many detailed ways.


  79. Thanks for writing this blog on Yoga:
    I have read it several times and has recommended it to several others.

    In my circle Of friends i had heard it said, more than once , that Christains should notdo ”Yoga” .

    However no one could ever tell me why? That is why your research, experiences and position together is so important. Thanks for answering the why. You were indeed the person to write on this subject.

    Thanks, very much.


  80. Thank you so much for this informative, clear-cut and grace-filled article on such an important topic. Your personal journey and detailed research make a compelling case against yoga being compatible with a Christian’s belief, commitment and love for the one true God, Creator of heaven and earth. I sincerely hope that your article is widely shared and read by millions in coming months…


  81. Thank you for the article and for the stretching reference sites.


  82. Thank you for sharing your heart here. I have always been against the use of yoga for the very reasons that you mention. I did a lot of research as well and just feel it serves two masters. I worship only the one true living God and Jesus Christ. 🙂


  83. Very interesting article Ed. Yoga isn’t that big of a deal down here in the Maritimes, people are quite conservative. Interestingly I just started reading a book called Christianity at the Religious Roundtable by Timothy Tennent which is a series of dialogues between evangelical Christianity and Eastern religions. Yoga, while being part of Hinduism, is a bit sneaky in that it isn’t considered by many as a religion or part of a religion but a health practice, but bundled into it are all sorts of assumptions and ideas that are not Christian. If one understands that going in and one is willing to have their conceptions stretched or changed to accommodate the new ideas who knows where that will lead, they may lose their faith in Christ and yet never truly be able to embrace the other belief system and be left believing anything or everything which is the end result of much of what we see of the New Age movement. There is much to be admired in other traditions but there is also much that is culturally and humanly derived that is in error and the difficulty is knowing how to discern, especially in light of the sanitized and sugar coated versions that we are exposed to in the west. Our discernment comes from the Holy Spirit but we risk losing that connecting link if our thinking is led too far astray. Thank you for reminding me to think about this today!

    Liked by 1 person

  84. Thanks Ed for a wonderful clear description of why Yoga or any of the other forms of idol worship are not good for us. Would this be the same for TaiChi?
    Janis http://www.janiscox.com


  85. Ed:

    Great article again. Thanks for the web links for alternate stretching. You article just cemented in our minds what we really felt in our spirit about yoga. We need more articles like this. Thanks.


  86. Ed – I determined that today is the day I would complete the reading of your blog and comment. The article is well-done, and presents the arguments well. I have not been a consumer of yoga myself, but did participate in Judo many years ago. I appreciate the point regarding serving two masters and the insidious way that non-kingdom things and ways can at times come in through a door we have opened innocently. Thank you for taking time to share this important information. As Kingdom residents, we must be vigilant to keep ourselves and loved ones covered by His blood and to shut those doors and windows immediately through repentance.
    As Kingdom representatives, we are called to be savvy consumers in the marketplace and to ask for discernment regarding practices that may be deceitfully packaged.
    Thank you for the invitation to read and comment.
    Many blessings,


  87. I have little to no knowledge of yoga. It’s nothing I’ve ever tried. Judging by what you’ve written, it has inherent dangers. I live in a poor inner city area and from what I’ve seen yoga hasn’t taken hold.

    Thanks for your article. It’s well written and comprehensive. You’ve obviously done a lot of research on the subject but have presented it a way that it makes sense to someone like me.


  88. As someone who was entrenched in Eastern Religion and yoga many years back before I became a Christian I was very skeptical of yoga, but then since my gym was offering it I gave it a try. After a few months I had to stop. I knew that the positions had other meanings that Americans don’t know about. Your article is an excellent wake-up call.It just shows how Christians are being lulled into the hypnotic state of this present society. I think some people might be able to divorce themselves from some of the ritual meanings of the asanas if they don’t get too involved, but its a slippery slope.


  89. Practicing yoga or Judaism or Islam is what makes this country great. It was founded on religious, social and economic freedom. That’s my your great grandparents, grandparents, and parents came here; for you to be free to practice what made you feel good. With so many North Americans not being physically fit I think they should be free to do whatever it takes to lead a healthy life style without essays like this making
    them feel like bad Christians. Maybe a little understanding of other religions
    and cultures could prevent the next 9/11, Boston Bombing or war in the Middle East. Stop being so narrow minded. Travel, go to temple with a Jewish friend, eat some curry, be a better more understanding person and stop being so judgemental about an exercise class.


  90. Ed:

    I have read your article several times and have struggled with my thoughts on it. The article itself is well written and well researched. My struggle is with how I feel about it. As a former student and teacher of Anahata Chakra Yoga I found your judgements puritanical. Then I thought about why I am a “former” practitioner of Yoga. Yoga led me into Zen Buddhist meditation, and therefore I identified Zazen as the problem and not Yoga. As I became more interested in meditation than exercise my Yoga practice fell off and I became more engaged in Zazen. I continued to practice Zazen for two years. During all of this time I did not renounce Christianity. As a matter of fact when I taught Anahata Chakra Yoga my class performed their asanas before a candle lit picture of The Sacred Heart of Jesus (the anahata chakra is the heart chakra), and when I began practicing Zazen I found a Roman Catholic convent near Baltimore where the Mother Superior and all of the nuns also practiced Zazen. I felt safe, but something wasn’t right. Eventually I realized that as a Christian I could no longer practice Zazen because it requires meditation on emptiness. The entire purpose of Zazen is emptiness. It is not emptying oneself of oneself so that God can fill you, it is just emptiness. In Zazen nothing really exists, everything is illusion, and the universe is empty. So I quit Zazen and did not return to Yoga. I continued my practice of Christianity as an Anglican, which I had never given up.

    However both my Yoga and Zazen practices were instructive to me. My Christian meditation is much stronger as a result of what I learned from both. It should not have been necessary for me to visit foreign religious practices to learn meditation. You can learn stretching exercises from various health sources, but where do you go to learn meditation as a Christian? The only forms readily taught are the Roman Catholic Rosary, and the Eastern Orthodox recitation of the Jesus Prayer. Both of these are forms of mantra practice and their origins are have their origins in the Eastern religions in India in the 3rd century BC. The use of knotted prayer ropes in Christianity goes back to the Desert Fathers in the 3rd and early 4th centuries. So they are not Apostolic or even sub-Apostolic. Although I am not about to attack repetition, its benefits are limited.

    Thank you for your article. I’m including a link to another written by an Orthodox Christian convert from Hinduism which may be of interest to you.

    Yoga and The Christian Faith
    Dr. Christine Mangala Frost

    Click to access m_frost_yoga_and_christianity.pdf

    God’s blessings.


  91. This is so well written and full of truth and facts.
    Christians should be hearing this in church.
    Those preaching the word of God need to make sure their flocks are made aware of the deception that is going on around them and that this is being brought into the church as well as the schools.
    Exercise is a necessity for Gods temple to be strong and healthy, but that’s the point… this body is our Father’s temple.
    We MUST be on our toes spiritually, and mentally when it comes to satans lies and how he sneaks them into our daily routine of life.
    We must stay in the word of God so we can see these things more clearly that seem harmless, become a silent killer of our souls.
    Jesus has made it all very clear through the words you have written here that yoga is one of those silent killers of the soul.
    Thank you for bringing this to my attention Ed. I will re post this on all my pages. God bless you brother for speaking the truth and educating us. In Christ, Lisa Davis Gobin


  92. Thank you. I found this article very interesting. I was vaguely thinking about getting into Yoga. I haven’t, so far, because my carpel tunnel makes a lot of the poses painful for me. I’ve been told that I could alter the poses and still do it, but now I’m thinking that I’ll skip it. I was even thinking that Yoga might be beneficial for my hyper 3 yr old. We’ll stick to regular stretching.


  93. This is the most comprehensive exposure of Yogi I have ever read. You have certainly done your research. As I was reading it, I wondered: Can it get any worse? But it did.
    I am a Indoor Cycling Instructor at local gyms and have always been suspicious of Yogi. I have known some Christians who have got involved in it and regard it harmless as long as they don’t use it as an expression of worship. Your article debunks this myth. They are worshiping these gods whether they realize it or not. From now I will have some substantial information to give those who have been so easily deceived. I especially appreciate the biblical perspective you share at the end for dealing with this deception. Anyone reading this can never say they were not forewarned. Thank you for all your hard work on the article. May God use it to awaken many to the dangers of Yogi.
    Dan Nelson, Pastor First Baptist Church of Camarillo, CA

    Liked by 1 person

  94. Hi Ed, thanks for the article. Very in depth and well researched. Though I don’t actually agree with your conclusions. Most of the salient points were covered by commentators so I won’t rehash here…But years ago I heard a fantastic sermon by Prof Oliver O’Donovan on the difference between idols and idolatry. Though most of it escapes me now, the main point does not. There is no power in idols, but great power in idolatry. Likewise, if a group of people come together to worship pagan gods through yoga, that has power. But the idols (forms) in and of themselves have no power. Thanks for sharing!


  95. Very interesting article. Well written and researched. It reveals what I had always been taught. Seemingly innocuous, but it’s a slippery slope. Thanks for sharing.


  96. Having done a great deal of research into yoga myself, Ed, I can say your article is spot on. With plenty of alternatives to yoga for exercise, why would any believer feel the need to Christianize yoga? It IS Hinduism. It’s part of the lie and we need to leave it alone. Every Christian ought to read this article. Well done, Ed.


  97. Ed
    I agree wholeheartedly. I do not participate in yoga and I will re – post this article.


  98. Thanks for writing this Ed, it would be controversial no matter what angle you came at it because every reader will be looking from a different angle…a rather obtuse one.

    Soooo…I have to admit I didn’t read the whole artical

    I have looked into the deeper things of Yoga and prefer to stick to the stretches. I should do them more. My back always feels better when I do…At physio I’m like, “Show me the stretch…I’ll name it…thanks…”

    “Bark at the Moon” won’t be one of them! ]:o{)>


  99. Ed,
    This is the most I have ever read about Yoga. At least 95% of this is new information for me.

    My experience with Yoga: when I was a kid my dad told me it was some kind of eastern religious nonsense and Christians shouldn’t do it. Then, in college, I had a friend (a preacher student) who did yoga in his form room. I thought it was weird and thought he shouldn’t it, based simply on what my dad had taught me years before. That is about the extent of my knowledge of yoga.

    The depth and breadth of your article is a lot to digest in one reading. I will make a note of this site and come back to it, and refer others to it. Thanks for making me aware of it.

    This just isn’t an area that I have ever pursued. But, I know it is gaining in popularity, but I didn’t know it was as popular as you indicate in this article.

    This was very well written. Thanks for making me aware of it.



  100. Hi Ed, thanks for this detailed and well-researched article about the perils of yoga and how it is fundamentally incompatible with the one and only faith that we hold on to – salvation through Jesus Christ.

    I am a believer who is serious about following God and also about investing in my health. Recently, I have picked up Pilates classes. I chose to stay away from Yoga because of what I have read in other articles about its dangers (similar arguments as found your research here). As I engage in pilates, I find that it does much wonder to my physical conditioning and fitness. There is also no “emptying of mind” syndrome or whatsoever that I face. No hand gestures of yoga are involved and we do not practice the “pranayama” breathing. We simply breathe in through our nose and out through our mouths. However, I also realize that some Pilates poses are very similar to Yoga asanas (e.g. the downward dog asana). Hence, by doing these poses, I am worried that I may be subconsciously “opening” myself up to some alteration of my consciousness.

    Could you please advise if Pilates is incompatible with Christianity? Your reply is very much appreciated.

    Thank you and God bless you.



    • My thoughts about Pilates are not as well developed, though I have read many Pilates books. My impression is that Pilates by itself is not yoga. Sometimes Pilates will be mixed with yoga by the instructor. I have seen it advertised that way as a mixed course. My advice is to stay away from Pilates courses that are mixed with yoga.


      Ed Hird+


      • nothing can be better than Christ. Satan can be like an Angel…He even can teach more excellent words than Christ’s/bible.


  101. Pingback: Back to the Gym – Guest Post | Zach Malott.com

  102. A more authentic view of the type of society Hindu/Buddhist religions reap can be seen in “The Book That Made Your World” by Vishal Mangalwadi. On the other hand, the work shows how the truths of the Bible has positively influenced India in more recent years, to the benefit of many of the down-trodden. Many Westerners have a naive view of Hindu/Buddhist religions, not understanding the detriment it brings to the lower caste and women. And while their PR here has many here thinking Buddhism is a religion of meditative peace, it has had its share of wars and skirmishes as well.


    • Vishal’s books and videos are remarkable and well-worth reading. We have heard him many times at Missionsfest Vancouver. I had the privilege of being a co-speaker with Vishal at QuipThink in San Diego in 2009. Worldviews have real consequences. Fatalistic and mind-killing worldviews produce societies that are less entrepreneurial and creative in arts, science, technology, politics, and education.


    • I cannot recommend vishal mangawaldis book enough!!! It’s soooo good. A must read for any Christian I think!


  103. Well, just because they call it Downward Facing Dog doesn’t mean it’s all that. God created us and our motions and a finite number of poses, angles, lunges, reaches, steps, and motions in general. If you put your hands and feet on the floor at the same time, that doesn’t mean it’s Yoga.


  104. I mean, if you do a stretch in Pilates that happens to look like one in Yoga. And I guess you covered that idea in the original article.
    Thank you for the good article.


  105. Ed, your research on Yoga is exhaustive, but your understanding of Christianity is lacking and in Johannine terms misses the mark. Actually, it misses the target completely. When Gandhi was asked why he wasn’t a Christian, because his views and philosophy were so Christian, he responded, “Because I have never met one.” Unfortunately, Ed, that would include you and most of those commenting on your article. You rightly quote 1 Corinthians 6:12 that the ‘Great I Am’ is within you (your body), but you fail to realize that it is not the rational mind and ego making that connection. The rational mind and ego, which you value so highly, is the product of original sin. Study chapters 6-8 in John and chapter 8 in Romans, then ask yourself, “Am I just another Pharisee walking away from what Jesus is saying, or am I another Peter hearing the words and understanding nothing.” My I suggest that you read my book, End of Days – A New Curtain Opens (http//www.revitalizingministries.com/endof days1.html).

    Liked by 1 person

    • Richard,

      Good to hear from you. Have you ever read Dr. E. Stanley Jones’ book “Ghandi: Portrait of a Friend”? I commend it to you. Do you have an actual primary source for your ‘quote’ from Ghandi, as many ‘quotes’ from Ghandi are not accurate or original? Dr. E. Stanley Jones was certainly a Christian in the highest sense. I could not imagine that Ghandi would say such a comment regarding Jones.

      Tell me what gives you the impression that ‘the rational mind and ego…is the product of original sin’. Does Jesus or the bible teach this? All of who we are is affected by sin (body, mind and spirit), but it is not the product of original sin. Our body, mind and spirit, our whole being is the product of God’s good creation, and it will ultimately be renewed into God’s new creation. The rejection and killing of the mind is the heart of the new age and yogic Hinduism.

      You commented on your website, Richard: “Each story is designed to guide us on the path and help lead us to “enlightenment,” sometimes called “nirvana” a place of no-thing, the place of God in us for God is no-thing. He/She is the “Light” at the center of our being.” http://www.revitalizingministries.com/storytelling.html

      From a biblical perspective, Jesus understood God as Father, not as a He/She andryogynous bisexual being.

      You commented on your website that you practice both hatha and mantra yoga: “I use a combination of a mantra with the breathing practice, which I gleaned from Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. My mantra is OM, the unutterable syllable in Sanskrit.” http://www.revitalizingministries.com/meditation.html

      Mantra yoga is key in the mind-killing process, using sensory overload and deprivation to shut down thinking. There is no evidence that this was the path of Jesus. Jesus, being Jewish, wanted us to love God with all of who we are, including ‘loving God with all our mind’. To practice mantra yoga is to serve two masters, which Jesus cautioned us against. Syncretism is not faithful to the Gospel. I invite you, Richard, to do the stretching thing of leaving your syncretism behind and choosing to follow Jesus alone as your Master.


  106. Well Done Ed. Thankfully the Lord has kept me from any involvement in yoga. I knew a lady once (prior to becoming a Christian) who tried to convince me yoga was a way to get in tune with God, but in my heart I didn’t have peace about it, I didn’t know why I didn’t but as I’ve grown in my relationship with the Lord I know the reason I didn’t have any peace was the Holy Spirit was keeping me from it. =) Praise the Lord!!!


  107. Excellently done! Bravo! If you don’t mind, I will post a small excerpt of your article on my blog and point my readers t your blog. This is 100% consistent with what I seek to warn people about – deceptive ideals, philosophy and other religions corrupting our Christian faith, rendering it impotent.


  108. Exceptional article!! Thank you so much for researching this and sharing your findings with the world. I found it was very well written and very well researched. I think this article will change how many people view yoga. God Bless


  109. Pingback: The Self-Regulation Trojan Horse | Education Current

  110. Pilates is not yoga. (unless someone mixes it.) Pilates is a form of core exercises…your lower abdomen is your core and it is very useful for folk who have knee injuries etc…Pilates strengthens and stretches the whole body beginning from the center. Ballet dancers often use pilates as well as modern dancers and athletes. But I believe it is good for all of us…
    Thank you Ed for this great article. I have always felt extremely uncomfortable with the meditative and mantra aspects of yoga which are taught in the most basic of classes…Even using Jesus’ name constantly as my mantra and not participating in any hindu mantras etc., I have found myself praying for those present and for myself. A fellow Anglican priest (East Indian) also warned me about yoga not being neutral for the believer in and follower of Jesus…and this was about 13 years ago…
    May we seek to be faithful and healthy in mind, body and spirt.
    thanks again and Christ’s blessings and protection to all…


  111. Pingback: My ten most popular blog articles for 2014 | Edhird's Blog

  112. Pingback: My most read articles | Edhird's Blog

  113. What are your thought on Chiropractors?


  114. This is an excellent and well researched article. I absolutely agree that yoga is a spiritual practice and cannot be simply a practice for the body. I also agree that traditional yoga is addictive and draws believers and unbelievers away from the Lord.

    I was absolutely, definitively called by God to teach Christ Centered Yoga (I know you think this cannot exist). This was prior to me ever taking yoga, for many of the reasons listed in your article. It took three years and a strong act from God to bring me into yoga. From the beginning, my training and instruction was affirmed by God. I teach a scripture focused class and have seen and felt the hand of Good work powerfully through my classes.

    I know most of you will not agree with what I do and some will accuse me of leading others astray. I believe that I have been called into this to speak Truth into the lives of those who are being led away from God and to provide an avenue for strong Christians to worship Christ physically and mentally. I will always be vigilant because yes, yoga can deceive. I will also continue to teach Christ-Centered Yoga in a definitively non-Christian studio until God tells me otherwise.


    • I am glad, Linda, that you found the article excellent and well-researched. You are correct that I would not recommend Christ-centered yoga. As mentioned, Christ and yoga go together like ice cream and beach sand. Tell me more about the form of yoga that you use. Is it hatha yoga? Do you use the asanas? If so, which ones? Are there any asanas that you would not use? I am glad that you are aware that yoga can deceive.Because I did martial arts for twenty years, which is a form of yoga, I can relate to your ambivalence about renouncing yoga. Perhaps God led you to my article as a way of God encouraging you to not serve two masters, as I once did. Blessings, Ed Hird+


  115. Please check out Holy Yoga which is Christ centered and is a 100% Jesus and 100% yoga. This ministry has brought many people to the Lord and has deepened their relationship with Jesus.


    • Hi, Kathi, Good to hear from you. How did you hear about my yoga article? I would be interested in your thoughts about the points made in the article. You are probably aware that I am very pro-calisthenics and stretching, but see yoga as syncretistic for Christians. Jesus said that we cannot serve two masters. Blessings, Ed Hird+


    • This is the struggle for Christian yogi types. The spiritual deception is believing that something can 100 percent of two mutually exclusive things at the same time. Something can’t be 100 percent Christian and 100 percent Hindu at the same time which is what Kathi’s statement implies.


  116. I really enjoyed this article. Thank you for taking the time to write it. Blessings on you and yours!


    • I am glad that you enjoyed it, Stephanie. How did you hear about the article? I had a huge increase in Facebook people reading it yesterday. Feel free to pass the article to others as you see fit.


  117. Edhird, interesting article. I have heard of these cautions before and would like to offer my take on yoga and how we as Christians might consider looking at it and any alternatives.

    The stretching exercises suggested in the two links supplied differ in a significant way to many yoga “stretches” that hasn’t been addressed here. These links offer stretches that address specific areas or muscles, where as yoga stretches generally don’t focus on specific areas, rather the body as a whole. Unless using a stretch to address an injury (and even then I would question it), I believe it’s healthier to perform stretching from a whole-body approach. If you will, consider how animals stretch. They have no cultural or intellectual knowledge of how to use their bodies, and yet they stretch with their entire bodies, and generally don’t attempt to isolate any specific area(s). The same for children. I believe they are using their bodies the way God, our Creator, intended us to use them.

    Unless we have physical limitations that might cause harm, I think it’s healthier and we are less prone to injury if we perform stretching more from a whole body approach. However, I’m certainly not suggesting that yoga stretches are the best way to stretch. But I believe they are, at their TRUE roots, healthy stretches that have been modified to model poses of worship to pagan gods.


    • An interesting perspective, Mark. Do you have any documentation for that claim that healthy stretches later were modified into worship poses of pagan gods?


      • I don’t have any documentation. I was mostly trying to make the point that I believe yoga poses are an abomination of how we are to use (stretch) our bodies the way that God intended us to do so. As I mentioned, animals and children have had no external influences (religious, cultural, intellectual) of how to do so. I believe because of this, they probably can be a valuable source of how we should stretch. I honestly have never studied the specifics of yoga and the “proper” way to perform it. But it seems that there are very close similarities to some of the yoga stretches and some of the common stretches of a dog, for example. I think the same can be seen in the way children stretch. What do you think?
        I do agree that if you perform specific yoga stretches, and have a need to do them only as instructed, they are dangerous.


  118. Pingback: Yoga: More than Meets the Eyes?? | Yoga Dangers

  119. Fr. Ed This is an excellent and very thoughtful article. Many thanks for taking the time to do all of this research I have posted a link to it on my site yogadangers.com. BTW, I am a Anglican and attend a TEC church here in Minnesota. Do you know Rev. John Newton who originally hails from Nova Scotia?


  120. This article represents one of the many reasons why I left the church and stopped believing in Christianity. So closed minded and of all the problems in this world, it seems to be a waste of time focusing on the evils of yoga.


    • Thank you for taking the time to read the article. Tell me more, Mark. What does open- minded look like to you? It is easy to be close minded to others who we think are being close minded.

      Ed Hird+


  121. I went to a yoga class without knowing its origin, but the fact that the teacher lit incense “to the gods” in front of us all was warning enough for me. There were (and still are) plenty of other ways to stretch our bodies without doing yoga.

    That was umpteen years ago when Eastern philosophies were just beginning to become integrated into our society. Nowadays I don’t know if many people can tell the difference or even think there is one.

    I want to avoid any appearance of evil, so it’s not just a matter of my opinion about yoga, but also a matter of how it affects other people. I’d rather err on the side of caring about my brother even if it makes me look unenlightened.

    Ed, this information is so valuable, please consider making it into an e-book. It could impact so many more lives if you did.

    Grateful Ellen


    • Thanks for your story, Ellen. When I prayerfully renounced yoga in the form of martial arts, it brought a significant breakthrough. Feel free to pass the article to others as you see fit. Tell me more about the ebook suggestion.


  122. Hello. I wish to thank you for writing your article. I have been wanting a good yoga warning article to share.
    I also have a question for you – I don’t do yoga because I realized the ramifications, however I have done pilates. I searched for what I believed to be a safe pilates dvd, because many pilates instructors have a whole bunch of yoga added as they practice it as well. Have I just fooled myself? Are pilates wrong, too?


  123. Thank you. I have always understood that there were underlying components to Yoga so just avoided the practice. I did not want to fill my mind with the philosophy while researching the topic. Today, both my daughter and a friend that she doesn’t even know, both sent me this site. Thanks again, Dorothy


  124. Thank you!!! Great article!!


  125. Yoga comes from Yoke. We yoke ourselves to a deity. Sounds like Christianity to me. “My burden is light and my yoke is easy”. Maybe it’s all referring to the same thing?


    • You are correct that the term ‘yoke’ is similar. This issue is what one is yoking oneself to. Brahma and Jesus are not the same deity. Not all masters are the same; that is why Jesus said that we can’t serve two masters.

      Yogic Hinduism is monistic in nature in contrast to the Judeo-Christian world which is monotheistic. In Yogic Hinduism, we are God; in Christianity, we enter into a covenant relationship with God, but we never become God. In yogic Hinduism, one worships the creation; in Christianity, we worship the Creator, giving thanks for the creation and stewarding the gift of creation.


  126. Thank you for listening to the voice of God– the One, True God–and posting this article. I’m so grateful your research used only those who are advocates and practitioners of yoga so no one can claim bias. I have always been bothered by yoga but could never put my finger on it. After all, the stretches really help people. My daughters bought me a yoga class last year for a gift. While in the class, I refused to have my spirit greet their spirit and my mantras were always Jesus. Even so, something bothered me and I never signed up again. Whenever I bring this up to my daughters, they think I am silly. This article, however, cannot leave anyone guessing or in ignorance. Anyone who reads this article is without excuse if they continue on with yoga.


  127. OMG people! Can no one think for themselves? I am speechless. I don’t have the time to dispute everything that is wrong with this article and the mode of thought that created it. All I can say is that I have seldom encountered such shallow closed-mindedness. If you can’t see there is no conflict other than what you yourselves have created, then fine, but do the rest of the world a favour and keep it to yourselves.
    One last thing that I wish Christians would actually do when confronted by something that challenges their faith ( yes challenges, it’s only threatening if you are insecure) is ask yourselves, “what would Jesus do?”

    Liked by 1 person

    • I am glad to hear, J, that you want people to think for themselves. Insecure people often do groupthink. Closemindedness can happen to people on all sides of the yoga discussion. I thank God for freedom of religion which permits people to agreeably disagree. If you would like to engage the article itself, feel free to respond.


  128. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I’ve done a lot of research on yoga after my daughter’s public school brought in a Buddhist program called Mind-Up by Goldie Hawn and yoga in gym class. Your research is invaluable and it’s such a relief that we’re not the only family who says “no” to yoga and anything having to do with Eastern religions. I will be sharing this research with the young women in our church who see nothing wrong with it. Bless you!


    • I am glad that you found it helpful. How did you discover my article? Yes, feel free to pass the article to others as you see fit.

      Ed Hird+


      • Someone emailed the article to me. I put it on facebook today and it’s already been reposted 4 times. Again, I can’t thank you enough for taking the time to put this information out there. Blessings!


  129. I am pleased, Kristine, that you found the article helpful. As we let others know, the impact is magnfied


  130. Very courageous to write a counter-cultural article, but the belief in God and Christ is just that, isn’t it? Some books I’ve read in the past concerning yoga and Christianity: Yoga and the Body of Christ by Dave Hunt; The Seduction of Christianity by Dave Hunt; and The Occult Invasion, also by Dave Hunt. I highly recommend any book by this brother in Christ.


    • Our challenge is not just to be counter-cultural, but to be transformational of culture. It is not enough to question syncretism. We need to model healthy lifestyles in body, mind and spirit.


  131. Thank you for a well researched article. I have never done yoga. However, I do stretches for flexibility. Some of what I do may be what yoga practitioners do. Does that make stretches wrong or evil? Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit and we are responsible for respecting this temple. Whatever we do to keep fit can be done for the glory of God as I interpret the Bible.


  132. Have you known a Christ-follower who became a Hindu because they practiced yoga?


  133. Dear Ed,

    On Feb 19, 2014, you posted, “When I prayerfully renounced yoga in the form of martial arts, it brought a significant breakthrough.”

    I read the article that you posted almost a year ago wherein you gave your own testimony and provided us with a lot of information based on a lot of research. I was impressed with the amount of effort that you had to put into that and the conviction and commitment required for you to do it.

    I proceeded to begin reading the comments and conversations following. Most of them complimenting you for your article and thanking you for revealing the truth about yoga. A few of them disagreeing with you. All the while, I was having my own mis-givings about the whole issue, pro and con, if you will.

    After pondering the whole question and looking at it in the light of Scripture, my conclusion is, briefly, praise God that you found deliverance from the bondage that yoga apparently had on you. But it doesn’t have me in bondage, and I’m not going to accept anyone else trying to put it on me. That, I think, is the crux of the matter: you were in bondage to the practice of yoga, and you needed to be delivered from it. You said, “In hindsight, I realized that the ritual motions and postures (asanas or katas) had gotten very deep into my psyche, shaping my very identity.[3] Somehow over twenty years, they had become ingrained in me and even became part of me. Without intending it, I was to some degree serving two masters.” With that realization, you, rightly, sought deliverance from the bondage you found yourself in, and received it when you learned the truth of the power that the enemy was wielding over you, using yoga as his tool.

    My problem is that I choose to eat too much. There are countless books written on the hazards of overeating and the consequential weight gain. There are countless Christian books making the case that gluttonly is a sin and doesn’t glorify God. I’ve recieved those messages and, recognizing that they apply to me, I’m taking steps to correct that error in my life and praying that God will deliver me from that bondage. But, as I look at your avatar, I see that you apparently don’t have that problem, so I’m not going to harangue you to eat only a thousand calories a day. You (presumably) don’t have a struggle with the problem of gluttony, so you don’t have to work at being delivered from it. Conversely, I’m not in bondage to yoga as you were. By your own admission, yoga was “shaping your identity”, it had “become a part of you”, and you were “serving two masters”. None of that applies to me, so I don’t need to be delivered from it or even avoid it

    I have used a yoga exercise dvd as part of my commitment to lose 50lbs before my son’s graduation in three months. Because of age, being overweight, and having MS, I’m not able to engage in most kinds of exercise regimines. Swimming, seated bicycling, rowing, and yoga exercises are pretty much all I can accomplish. The first three require that I go to a gym. Yoga exercises I can effectively do at home. I place absolutely no religious significance to the exercises I perform, just as Paul placed no religious significance on the meat offered to idols that he ate with thanksgiving. If it caused a brother to stumble, then he’d refrain from eating it for his weaker brother’s sake. But take note, the deciding factor was NOT that the meat was offered to an idol, the deciding factor was that it might cause a WEAKER brother to stumble. Since I exercise alone in my living room, I’m in no danger of stumbling anyone. And when I reach my goal of loosing the 50, I’ll probably put the dvd away and concentrate on not overeating for the rest of my life.

    In support of both of our positions (you need to avoid yoga, I need to avoid overeating), I refer to the following Scripture passages –

    Ephesians 6:13 17 “13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.”

    John 21:21 When Peter saw him, he asked, “Lord, what about him?” 22 Jesus answered, “If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? You must follow me.”

    1 Sam. 17: “38 Then Saul dressed David in his own tunic. He put a coat of armor on him and a bronze helmet on his head. 39 David fastened on his sword over the tunic and tried walking around, because he was not used to them.
    “I cannot go in these,” he said to Saul, “because I am not used to them.” So he took them off. 40 Then he took his staff in his hand, chose five smooth stones from the stream, put them in the pouch of his shepherd’s bag and, with his sling in his hand, approached the Philistine.”

    The Word of God is the Truth. Any other book written by men may or may not be the truth (such as all the books you studied when you researched this issue). Those books are the ones that declared that yoga is a false religion, and being involved in it to any extent is surrendering yourself to that religion. God’s Word says that giving ANYTHING a higher priority than Him is a false religion. God’s Word DOESN’T say that engaging in exercises that are associated with yoga is a sin. He says that giving those exercises a higher priority than Him is sin (see 1Tim 4:8).

    There are some things in Scripture which are universally required for Salvation – Salvation is by faith in Jesus alone, Jesus’ substitutionary death, etc. But many other things are individual requirements – such as David facing Goliath with a sling and stones rather armor and sword. Jesus says to each of us, “What that other Christian is doing isn’t important. What you’re doing and how you’re following Me is.” Therefore, His Word to you to get out of practicing yoga is His Word to you, not necessarily His Word to me.

    It’s after 2am as I finish and post this. I hope it makes sense. God bless you.


    • Thank you for your interesting reflections. I rejoice that you value God’s Word. I also value your kind tone even when you disagree with my conclusions. Your desire to become more healthy is commendable. My recommendation, as mentioned, is that people do this through less spiritually ambiguous methods such as stretching, calisthenics, Praise Moves, or Pilates.

      Can you tell me a bit more about the form of yoga that you are doing and which asanas in particular are involved? Are there any forms of yoga that you would not take part in because of syncretistic concerns of serving two masters? I am thinking of kundalini or tantric yoga. Do you have any reservations about mantra yoga? It sounds to me as if you are primarily involved in hatha yoga. Do you know who are the spiritual leaders behind the yoga DVD that you are using?


  134. Brother, I perceive that you seem to keep the same hours “before the screen” that I do. I don’t understand, at all, the time stamp on my post. I composed and edited it entirely on notepad, then copied and pasted it. As I said in my closing statement, it was after 2am when I pasted it to this site. Where the 10:33pm time stamp came from is sure a mystery to me. Any way, apart from the vagaries of time stamps in the cyber world…

    You said, “…people (should) do this through less spiritually ambiguous methods such as stretching, calisthenics, Praise Moves, or Pilates.” So far as I’m concerned, there are no less spiritually ambiguous methods than what I’m doing. The exercise movements I’m using have NO spiritual significance to begin with. I rest on God’s Word through Paul in 1 Cor. 8:4 – 8 when I say that.

    “4 So then, about eating food sacrificed to idols: We know that “An idol is nothing at all in the world” and that “There is no God but one.” 5 For even if there are so-called gods, whether in heaven or on earth (as indeed there are many “gods” and many “lords”), 6 yet for us there is but one God, the Father, from whom all things came and for whom we live; and there is but one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things came and through whom we live.

    7 But not everyone possesses this knowledge. Some people are still so accustomed to idols that when they eat sacrificial food they think of it as having been sacrificed to a god, and since their conscience is weak, it is defiled. 8 But food does not bring us near to God; we are no worse if we do not eat, and no better if we do.”

    Substitute “yoga” for “food” in the above passage and you have my essential answer to all of the questions you asked. As for the specifics you ask about, I don’t know. It would be a simple matter to look at the case the dvd came in to find out, but I won’t simply because it doesn’t cause me any concern. Let me try to draw an illustration of the way I perceive this situation. It’s an old illustration (for me) so please bear with me if my recollection is a bit fuzzy (it’s been over 40 years since I read these books)…

    Either in the Hobbit or one of the Fellowship of the Ring books, whoever was bearing the ring at the time (Bilbo or Frodo, it doesn’t matter) reluctantly gives the ring to Tom Bombadil. Tom proceeds to look it over, slip it on his finger to see what it looks like. Even tosses it into the air and makes it disappear, only to re-appear in his other hand. The ‘power’ of the ring has no influence over Tom Bombadil, even though, to everyone else, its’ influence is irresistible. Not even Gandalf will dare to even touch the ring when it’s offered to him.

    In that sense, I have a Tom Bombadil kind of antipathy towards yoga exercises. They have no influence over me because I don’t allow them to. They are a means to an end, and once I achieve that goal, I’ll set the disc aside. I was serving my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ before I started my exercise program. I’m serving Him while I’m doing this program. I’ll still be serving Him when I’ve shed the weight and I’m finished with the program. It’s an exercise program for me and nothing else. “Kundalini” or “cowabunga” style is irrelevant because it doesn’t matter.

    It seems that, to you and many others who have commented, the issue is of supreme importance. One thought that occurs to me is that, even though you no longer practice yoga, it still has a strong hold on you. After all, you’ve been tending this blog for almost a year, now. Did you dedicate as much time and energy to the practice of yoga as you have to this site? As I scan over the comments here, it seems most, if not all, of the comments are from other Christians. Has anyone been saved, received Jesus as Lord and Savior as a result of all this cyber verbage, or has it all been just preaching to the choir? And preaching about something that is not the Gospel.

    Suppose you were to convince one unsaved person who practices yoga that it is a form of demon worship and they should stop. So they stop. Is there rejoicing in Heaven over one person who stops practicing yoga? No. They were a sinner destined for hell before they stopped, they’re still destined for hell after they’ve stopped. Better that you preach the Gospel to them with power and get them saved, then leave it up to God to convict them about what changes they need to make in their life in order to serve Him.

    Now, at this point, I will state the one caveat I see, the exception to the principle I’ve presented (i.e. yoga exercises are spiritually neutral, they have significance only if the individual gives them significance; which I obviously don’t). I acknowledge the possibility that God has given you a task of educating His people about the potential danger of being in bondage to the practices and/or philosophy(ies) of yoga. Your testimony is that you were in such a bondage. As I said before and say and still mean now, Praise God He delivered you. There are people who are, likewise, in that kind of bondage, I’m sure.

    Here, though, is where there needs to be discernment and grace exercised. Just because there are some who are in bondage to food (i.e. ‘gluttons”, in this example), and eating a Big Mac, fries, and a shake is how they submit to this bondage, doesn’t mean that everyone who eats a Big Mac, fries, and a shake are in bondage to gluttony. If you see me using yoga moves for exercise and, therefore, conclude that I am in bondage to yoga or blind to its’ influence, just as you were, I don’t hesitate to say “You’re mistaken. I’m not in bondage to it, I’m using the system for my own purposes, not the other way ’round.”

    And I’ll stop here, for now. It’s about 10:05am, West Coast time as I get ready to copy and paste this. Let’s see what time stamp the “system” puts on it this time.
    God bless you.


    • Quote: “Kundalini” or “cowabunga” style is irrelevant because it doesn’t matter.”

      Kundalini yoga is not a neutral spiritual practice with no implications. Our naively claiming that spiritual practices have no impact does not mean that they have no spiritual impact. I understand that you don’t know which asanas that you are actually doing. Asanas, as re-enactments of various Hindu deities, were designed to spiritually impact us, regardless of our level of initial awareness. I encourage you to reflect and learn a bit about the actual yoga asanas that you are using.


  135. I will make one further comment about a specific you asked… “Do you know who are the spiritual leaders behind the yoga DVD that you are using?” Again, I don’t, and I’m not going to look it up. However, I will counter with, “Do you know the spiritual power behind the inventor of the computer you’re using?” If it’s a pc using any kind of Microsoft equipment or software, Bill Gates, the man behind all things Microsoft, is at best an agnostic, of whom it could be said that he’s trying to be a “good person” through the philanthropic activities of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. If you’re using an Apple product, Steve Jobs, one of the co-founders of Apple, was a Zen Buddhist at the time of his death. Steve Wozniak, the other co-founder of Apple, is an atheist/agnostic. If it matters who is “behind” the development and sale of a product, should we, then, be using anything produced by anyone who’s not a “Christian”? Or does it only matter if I use a product from a non-Christian, but you are exempt from adhering to the same principle?

    I apologize that the last question seems a little blunt. I’m too tire to rewrite it with softer edges. I’m counting on your graciousness to perceive it in a non-aggressive way.

    Liked by 1 person

  136. Goodness… You are quick on the keyboard. We seem to almost be conversing in real time.

    I will graciously decline to do any further research into the “style” of yoga exercises I’m using, since I give them no spiritual significance at all. Some of them I actually recognize from high school PE class and track warm up exercises. And there was no spiritual significance given to them then.

    Again, I will echo what has been said before: The significance of a gesture, phrase, or pose is imparted on it by the user, not the other way round. The example of using the OK sign was given earlier. In America, it means “OK, everything’s alright.” In Italy, it apparently means something similar to the American raised middle finger. In parts of the Middle East you can get your throat slit for the same gesture.

    A friend of mine was an exchange student to England in high school. She stayed in an upper class boarding school. At the end of a particularly good meal, she leaned back from the table and said, “I’m stuffed.” The stunned silence that fell over the table she said was almost palpable. The phrase, “I’m stuffed.” had an entirely different meaning in the UK than it does in America. Imagine what the English must think of Americans when we say we “stuff our turkeys” at Thanksgiving time.

    I spent a year in Thailand in the seventies, courtesy of the USAF. One day, while sitting in the library, I had my foot resting on my knee while reading a book. I glanced up to see a Thai national who was working at straightening the books on the shelves glaring at me. I realized that, in resting my foot on my knee, the sole of my foot was pointing straight at him. In Thailand, that is considered an especially egregious insult.

    One more before I take another break. Olympic athletes used to have a salute that they would give to each other to recognize and honor each other. That all changed during the 1936 Summer Games in Berlin Germany. With Hitler’s rise to power and the widespread use of the upraised, stiff-arm Nazi salute, very similar, almost identical to the Olympians’ salute, the Olympians’ salute was abandoned.

    In each of those instances, the significance of the gesture itself was neutral. It only has significance when defined in and by the user(s) and context. Do you remember Mork’s “Nanoo, nanoo!” gesture? What mystical, cosmic significance do you think it has? Answer, None. It was part of Robin Williams early comedy schtick. If you want to give it some kind of significance, you’re free to do so. Make it a part of a secret society greeting, or make it the signal for a quarter-back sneak play. It’s up to you. Humans define the meaning of the gesture, not vice-versa.


  137. GREAT piece and insight. I appreciate the time and thought put into this. However, I think it’s interesting that even after swallowing this camel ~ you’re still choking on the gnat of pagan holidays like Christmas. Like Yoga ~ another example of trying to “redeem” something that was never ours; including performing idol worshipping rituals to the point that God’s people are SO blinded that they’d rather fight you to keep their traditions than to ask G-d ” What is REALLY pleasing to You”. I hope you’ll consider this . Thanks for the gr8 article.


    • Thanks for your reflections, Jody. Feel free to pass the article on to others as you see fit. The bible does reflect on the birth of Jesus in the Gospels of Matthew, Luke and John. I see the celebrating or non-celebrating of our saviour’s birth to be a non-essential, rather than an essential of the gospel.


  138. Pingback: crazy stuff: knowledge and prejudice can be a dangerous combination | point of privilege

  139. Thank you for the great article, Reverend Hird. You’ve done a fantastic job researching Yoga and your work certainly merits study by any leader in a Bible-believing church.

    I have a question regarding something you’ve said:
    “Unlike Judaism, Christianity and Islam, one does not have to believe in or worship something to be impacted by Hinduism.”

    My question is, “does a Christian who practices yoga in commit sin? Is it sin by omission, commission, or both?”

    If a Christian does not ~believe~ himself/herself to be worshipping a false God, or practicing the ritual of another religion, is that Christian still “practicing” that false worship? This isn’t a “loaded question”; I am a westerner who is understandably new to this concept.

    If we don’t have to believe yoga is idolatry, in order for it to be so, then doesn’t this mean that the Christmas tree, and most of the “rituals” of Christmas are in the same boat? I certainly don’t condone hunting for Easter eggs, knocking on wood, lucky rabbit’s foot, Santa Claus, or Christmas trees as pillars of Christian faith — but these are practices born in other religions that have been raised in a Christian context for hundreds of years. As a result, few Christians know the pagan origins of these practices.

    I am admittedly ignorant of the inner workings of Yoga; I have a single book which is almost exclusively pictures that has served as a “guide” for stretching. If I look at a picture of a stretch, and imitate it – fully unaware of the the name or the context in which it was born, am I worshipping a false God? When does a tree become a “Christmas tree” – and when is a stretch an Asana? Is it through my action, or the intent of my action?

    Can I commit sin through action/inaction that is completely devoid of any _willful_ disobedience to God?

    Have I sinned by imitating pictures in a Yoga book? consequently, is decorating a Christmas tree also a sin?


    • You asked many questions, Frank. Serving two masters is something that Jesus warns us against because of its idolatrous implications. Sin is anything that draws us away from serving the one master Jesus Christ. Because yogic Hinduism involves a process of gradual initiation, it is much like the frog in the pot being boiled slowly, and not noticing. The intentional worship aspects of yogic Hinduism are usually much later. The yogic instructors have usually been exposed to these aspects. I am not concerned about someone doing a stretch that accidentally resembles an asana. There are over 1500 asanas, so that can happen easily. To intentionally do an asana, which is the re-enactment of a Hindu deity, does begin to have a psychic effect. This effect gradually gets stronger the longer and deeper one gets into yogic Hinduism. I am not convinced that the Christmas tree analogy is an effective parallel in this situation. A more effective parallel might be participating in Free Mason rituals, perhaps without full awareness of where it is heading at the higher levels of secret initiation. I would never recommend involvement in Free Masonry.


  140. Reblogged this on ChristsInternet.com and commented:
    Interesting –


  141. It seems very sad that such extensive research has only led to an intellectualized viewpoint that further solidifies difference and separation among all human beings. The fact that this work is missing a major thesis is also disheartening as it spins closer to rhetoric than informative research. The conclusion in itself — does not purport for Christians to respect their neighbors those being different than they are. Yoga may not be for everyone — but I do not believe it is up to our spiritual leaders to provide information rather than rhetoric — such as this ending statement in your conclusion ‘In the end, the yogic road leads to idolatry and monism, to serving two masters. The Lordship of Jesus is what is at stake.’

    All that research and years of thinking about this and that is the best conclusion that you can provide. With all due respect, I believe a response for why you chose a rhetorical diminishing perspective for your article is needed.


    • Greetings,Simona. I appreciate hearing your feedback. You used the term ‘rhetoric’ three times. Tell me how you understand the concept. The Concise Oxford Dictionary defines it as “the art of persuasive or impressive speaking or writing; language designed to persuade or impress (often with the implication of insincerity, exaggeration. You also described the article as leading to an intellectualized view, which I assume you are suggesting as not being a positive thing. You found it very sad that my article further solidifies difference and separation among all human beings. Tell me more how you believe that my article did this. As you know, yogic monism holds that all differences and separation are maya or illusion. I too hold that we need to respect our neighbours in their differences. Celebrating our differences is key to being healthy. That is why Jesus cautions against syncretistically serving two masters, because it disrespects genuine differences. Tell me more, Simona.


  142. As you mentioned at the beginning of this article, there are different branches in yoga. Your arguments are mainly based on hatha yoga, which is only one branch of the tree….. The physical exercices are one of the steps, that one can decide to take or not, in order to connect with God. The “union” with God or “yoga” is indeed easier to achieve if the body and mind are purified. By the way, the aim of yoga is not to kill the mind but to calm it and bring it under control. In such state, one is more likely to hear the voice of God without being disturbed by the voice of the ego.
    The other branches of the tree are bhakti, jnana and raja yoga. They don’t imply physical stretching and are instead based respectively on devotion (to God), knowledge (of God) and raja (meditation ie contemplation on God). There is only one God and many saints who are its manifestations. Jesus Christ is one of them and also worshipped by Hindus…..
    I don’t want to contradict you, but yoga and christianity are definitely compatible. I recommend you read the teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda, and the book of his guru Sri Yukteswar “The Holy science” which brilliantly explains the unity of all religions by showing the parallels between the Bible and the Baghavad Gita.
    Again, there is one God and religions are the various interpretions of God from different cultural perspectives.
    Yoga is a technology that has been offered to the world, transmitted from generation to generation, and that has been made accessible even to the most reluctant to religion. Isn’t it beautiful?


    • Celine,

      Thanks for your reflections. Tell me more about whom Jesus is to you. Jesus is my Lord. That is why I cannot serve two masters.


      Ed Hird+


    • Great response. I agree. I think it paradoxical that those so stuck in their doctrine and belief systems (not necessarily truth) are so against other doctrines and belief systems. Why not open your eyes, allow for a critical mind, and discover what is rather than take a stand on something that isn’t going to set you free and isn’t going to open you up to God. The truth will set you free, and freedom doesn’t include fear, and when there is no fear there is no need to grasp onto beliefs.


  143. Dear Ed,

    I am a yoga teacher. I teach Hatha Yoga. I focus on bringing in the Light of God into the Hearts of everyone in my classes so that they can practice connecting to their Divine Self within. We practice breathing exercises which help still the mind so that we can have more focus and connection with Source, the Creator. Then we do the poses which strengthen and stretch all the muscles and ligaments, working our core and doing an excellent job of keeping the spine supple which leads to a very healthy body. My back pain has disappeared after 4 years of practicing yoga. Satan does not come to my class, He is not invited. How sad to me that you would spend so much time and energy writing this article to tell people to not do yoga because it takes them away from the teachings of Christ. I am not a Christian but I love Jesus Christ. I know him to be loving, forgiving, understanding & compassionate. He does not judge like you are judging. If Jesus were here today, he would most likely say that if yoga is helping people become stronger in their bodies, stilling their minds to tune into the small voice of our Spirit and allowing us to practice peace on and off the mat, he would probably give it two thumbs up. Enjoy your calisthenics. I will enjoy my yoga. Each to their own, let others decide for themselves what they wish to do and through their own direct experience, discover what works for them and what doesn’t.

    Peace to you, Pastor.

    And many blessings,
    Beth WRight


    • Beth,

      Good to hear from you. I appreciate that you have taken the time to read my yoga article. May we both be able to learn from each other. You mentioned about “bringing in the Light of God into the Hearts of everyone in my (your) classes so that they can practice connecting to their Divine Self within.” Yogic Hinduism, as you would likely know, teaches that our real self is Divine, that we are actually gods or even God. Jesus did not teach monism, that all is one, but rather Jewish monotheism, that God is one and we are called to be in relationship with God who is other than us. Yogic Hinduism teaches that all differences are illusion, whereas Jesus as a Jew taught that differences are real and part of our creativity. Jesus taught that right and wrong, good and evil, male and female, truth and falsehood are real categories that do not gnostically reconcile into a monistic oneness. That is why Jesus taught that we cannot serve two masters.

      Like you, I believe in freedom of religion, and respect your choice to follow the path of yoga. Like you, I reject judgmentalism and condemning other people. Jesus did call us however to show right judgement and discernment. Not all choices are equally healthy. Jesus taught that our choices matter, particularly in the area of interfaith syncretism. This is why he said that it is impossible to serve two masters. To blend yoga and Christianity is to disrespect both paths. When people say that Jesus went to India and then taught yoga to his followers, it betrays a disrespect and misunderstanding of the integrity of Jesus’ own spiritual path as an observant Jew. Jesus worked as a carpenter with his stepfather Joseph until aged 30, before his three-year ministry was launched. Everything that Jesus taught was deeply rooted in the Torah/Old Testament. The risen Jesus is here today by his Spirit. As you love Jesus, Beth, I invite you to follow Him, invite Him to live in you, and become his disciple.


      Ed Hird+

      p.s. Is there any kind of yoga that you would caution people against, such as tantric or kundalini yoga? If so, why?


  144. I love the sense of community that being at a studio provides, but there is no doubt that my morning solo asanas are really what ground me. I loved what you said Amanda about being in the spotlight of now – I prefer when that spotlight is only on me for my morning practice.


  145. Thank you Ed for a well researched thoughtful article on yoga that I can share with my friends and followers.


  146. Reblogged this on Let's Talk and commented:
    This is a very well researched article on yoga and Christianity.


  147. Pingback: A Response to Ed Hird’s Blog Post Entitled “Yoga: More Than Meets the Eyes??” | Musings of a Hardlining Moderate

  148. You’ve done extensive research. Wow. I have only practiced yoga on a beginners level. What I found is that we have what we need when we need it. I found that learning to breath with discipline and intention was enormously healing. In learning meditation, I had a wonderful teacher who, after guiding us through the breathing practices, encouraged us to ‘mantra’ whatever we needed to. I found that a lot of corporate prayer that I’ve known since the womb came to me. For me it was like beach sand and flip flops. I could have gone barefoot, but the flip flops protected my tender skin.


    • Thanks for reading the article, Tell me about the mantra that you were taught. Was it a ‘secret’ name of a Hindu deity like in Transcendental Meditation? Is there any kind of yoga that you wouldn’t do, like Tantric Yoga or Kundalini Yoga ?

      Ed Hird+


  149. Thanks for the awesome research and dedication to truth. This is not a popular stance but holiness and devotion to Jesus as Lord has never been. God bless!


  150. Hi Ed.
    Just found your article and found it very informative. I don’t do yoga and never will – it simply doesn’t interest me and I also have a hard time accepting its roots.
    But i have problems with my back and neck so my physio has given me several stretching exercises to do in order to help with the pain. Some of these stretches are also used in yoga. For example, the physio has told me to stretch my back by getting down on all fours and then arching my back. This is however also used in yoga and is called a cat/cow pose. So should I not do this stretch? I’ve been looking through yoga asanas and as far as I can see pretty much every stretch ever thought of is also a part of yoga. Even the stretches that are do for my legs after a run (like bending my leg by pulling my foot up to my behind) are also part pf yoga.
    And what if one accidently sleeps in a yoga pose – for example the corpse pose?
    Does this pose a threat?
    Please forgive me if you have already answered these questions. And please know that my comment should not be understand as a criticism of your conclusions – I completely agree with you. I just have some specific questions on how to “move” my body to avoid accidently worshipping pagan gods.


    • While there may be similarities between calisthenics and yoga, they have a different purpose and end. One does not need to be worried that they would accidentally be sleeping in a yoga pose. We do not need to live in fear. I would not intentionally do a yoga pose as I can get good results from calisthenics and stretching without any of the downside of yoga asanas.


      • Thank you very much for taking the time to reply. And please forgive me, but I have another question.
        In Denmark (where I was born, raised and still live) yoga isn’t that popular and there is no christian yoga, so the church/ the pastors haven’t felt the need to warn against it. However, I have talked to several christian friends about it and am looking for answers to our questions. For this I need to look at our English-speaking fellow christians.

        I completely agree that Christians should not partake in yoga – it is simply not christian.
        However, do you believe that the chakras and kundalini exist? That God put them in our body?
        Is your fear with the poses that people will awaken this so-called “serpent” and it will travel up their different chakras? Or is it the mind-altering aspects of the poses that worry you? The slow leaning away from Christ and toward Hinduism?

        I ask in order to know how to convince people that it isn’t a good idea to do yoga. Saying that people shouldn’t do yoga because they might awaken a “serpent” at the base of their spine doesn’t work because people point to the fact that the Bible simply doesn’t allow for the idea of a foreign energy in our body.
        And I have to admit I agree with them. As far as I read the Bible, chakras and the kundalini cannot exist.
        So is the problem with the poses (for example the Cobra which has been mentioned several times in the comments) that it slowly alters the mind toward Hinduism?

        Like I said, I agree that Christians should not do yoga. I just don’t think that we can use the risk of awakening the so-called kundalini as a reason so I need another one to convince people.

        I hope my post makes sense – English isn’t my first language so please let me know if I haven’t made myself clear


  151. It’s wonderful that you are getting thoughts from this post as well as from our argument made here.


  152. Hi Ed, I finally got around to reading your article on yoga. Personally I’m not or ever have been involved with yoga but I know many who are, including a cousin who is a well trained Yogi who teaches yoga. I appreciate your incredible research and consequent citations. I feel well informed. I hope you plan to publish this as a book!
    Thank you
    Margot Fraser


  153. Pingback: Anglican Priest: “Jesus is Lord – Yoga is not.” | Women of Grace

  154. Pingback: Anglican Priest: “Jesus is Lord – Yoga isn’t.” | Natural Health News

  155. So happy to have found this article. Thank you for your efforts. I have been trying to compile research and compose a defense against the practice of yoga to my Christian friends. Amazing to see how we stupid humans have such a hard time letting go of such practices. “If it feels good, do it” attitude is so corrupt. How easily we justify our humanistic views on things that matter this much. Thank you! I will be using your article with full credits as I produce my own. Thank you so much.


  156. Pingback: Yoga Classes Shelton Usa | Conditioning and Fitness Blog

  157. Reblogged this on Edhird's Blog and commented:

    Read by over 85,000 people so far. I just revised it.


  158. Great article and most active link ever on my site with over a thousand clickthroughs. Thank you for your great research!!

    Liked by 1 person

  159. I am glad that you found the article helpful, Roger. A thousand clickthroughs is remarkable. 🙂


  160. Pingback: Sunday Stillness – How are we easily deceived? | He Cares for You

  161. Thanks for you take on this issue Rev Hird. I am a Christian though not as strong as I would like to be. Currently working on that. I have been practising Yoga for over 14 years using various DVDs to add variation in my exercise regime. I am quite concerned now that I may have opened myself up for these Hindu practises and am torn now as I can clearly see the physical benefit that I get from doing certain postures like child poses and downward dog which really helps my back. My husband is of the opinion that if you are doing it solely for exercise wtihout the meditation and classes that it should be fine and harmless and that it is what is in your heart with God that counts. I not NOT want to expose myslef to these “mysteries” of this religion. Your thoughts…..


    • Natalie, thanks for your comments. There is no such thing as ‘solely’ when dealing with yoga. To say that it is only a matter of the heart leaves us serving two masters. I recommend Praise Moves which has all the benefits and none of the syncretism http://praisemoves.com with Laurette Willis.


  162. Applause, Rev. Hird. Our family left our longtime Lutheran church because its leadership got so heavily into yoga, as well as doing other New Age activities that clashed deeply with the clear call in the Bible to have nothing to do with that kind of stuff. Appreciate your good research and straightforward common sense. I’m a Christian writer and hope you will permit me to link to this article in the future. Thanks!!!


  163. Christians usually don’t understand that receiving demonic advice forms a submission, a back door. When Adam & Eve received Satan’s advice about God being a selfish liar, that submission carried them to the death tree. Satan took control of the world through their back door. In practicing exorcism, it is easier to get rid of the demons if the client renounces all advice and obedience to that demon as well as confession of sin. I have numerous self-deliverance pages on my website that I have the Christian client use to gt free.

    If you are in college and have to read dubious literature, figuratively hold it up to the Lord Jesus. If there is no peace, renounce it as you read. If you get peace, then receive it as-from-Jesus!


  164. Getting rid of the Kundalini cluster of demons that has been formed during all the sessions of meditation in Yoga and martial arts is tough. But here is wisdom I have been given from Above as to how to do it:
    “I name myself, my friends and our properties ‘Xi Rho’ for convenience.”
    1. By the authority of Jesus I break the human empowerment and assignments given to the demons of “Xi Rho” through human demon-inspired behavior, demon-devotion behavior, submission, blood pacts, sacrifices, worship and covenants. I unstack all clusters, Kundalinis, powers, principalities and false gods of “Xi Rho” down to individual demons. I break all unrighteous soul ties, networks and enchantments on the people of “Xi Rho.”
    2. I bind the demons over or in the people of “Xi Rho” to silence & impotence. I command the clusters, Kundalinis, powers, principalities, false gods and the rest of the demons of “Xi Rho” to leave now and go directly & immediately to where the true Lord Jesus would send you. Heavenly Father, I bless you and love you! I wish to be your child forever.


  165. Pingback: Rev. Dr. Ed Hird’s Online Yoga Talk at MT12 | Edhird's Blog

  166. Pingback: Life Liberty & Love | Should Christians Do Yoga? (Part 2)

  167. Ed,
    Thanks for your article. What do you think of PiYo. I had one instructor call it bastardized Yoga. The last instructor mentioned that some of the yoga stances had been modified.


    • My reservations in the article apply to Piyo.


      • Here’s another one; Kriya Yoga being used to become a “Buddha.” Mahayana Buddhism was invented shortly after Jesus ascended to heaven. Satan knew regular Buddhism was definitely second rate to Jesus’ Christianity in all ways. So he invented this religion that has a “heaven” of sorts and “signs & wonders” of sorts. It uses meditation to pump up the Kundalini to the point of getting a ‘third eye’ they can use it to get intimate with the demon Aum. They give this demon an autonomic nerve tie so the person jerks around a bit – and can influence people (even Christians) through a touch. The person can further enhance their power through worshipping an idol to a demon.
        This power means they can influence unsuspecting Christians with a hug or touch. Even Charismatics. Then they can grab their heads and pump in false doctrines in their ears for more positive control.
        I have had to shut down three of them with deliverance – and then do deliverance for everyone they were controlling or influencing. And then do education.


  168. Interesting article…Nice explanation keep posting on..thanks for sharing these great blog..


  169. Great discussion. Thank you Ed. Have you heard of the Selah Movement springing out of North Vancouver? It may be an interesting option for some.


  170. Pingback: Yoga Will Ruin Your Life: Real Purpose and Origin of Yoga

  171. Pingback: Taekwondo and the Martial Arts: Mere Exercise or Trojan Horse?? | Edhird's Blog

  172. While some poses may be referenced as lasting for centuries, the yoga asana system that is practiced now comes from Scandinavian gymnastics that found its way into India only in the early 1900s (not thousands of years that many people believe). Traditional practices focus much more on meditation and the other aspects of yoga rather than the asana practice. You can see this article – https://www.yogajournal.com/yoga-101/yoga-s-greater-truth

    I’m curious what’s the difference between the feeling we get from yoga (endorphins) compared to that same feeling that can come from a “runner’s high,” or any movement of the body?


    • Very interesting article, Kelly. Thanks for drawing this article and new book to my attention. It would be interesting to know if in his book, whether he distinguishes between which asanas are genuinely rooted in yoga and which that he believes are more Scandinavian. You will notice in my article that many of the key asanas are intentionally modelled after the shape and names of specific Hindu deities. This sounds a bit like a chicken and egg discussion, as to which may have come first. European spiritualists, like Madame Blavatsky, often drew on Hindu practices. It might be interesting to research any interaction between Emmanuel Swedenborg and Hindu practices.

      As to the feeling (endorphins) that people get from yoga, it would not surprise me to see similarities to other physical activities. Part of the reason why I recommend stretching and calisthenics, or Praise Moves, is that one can receive such benefits without needing to take part in yoga. As mentioned in my article, I have concerns about yoga’s ability to shut down the mind through information overload and deprivation.


      • Hi Reverend, what do you think of the LesMills bodybalance class? It combines taichi, pilates and yoga – all set to contemporary music and practised by licensed LesMills instructors. From my participation, I don’t see anything spiritual about the exercises, and the position that certain exercise poses are not monopolised by yoga comes to mind. Also, many poses in pilates are identical to that in yoga. Additionally, only meditation component in the class comes from lying down and listening to a Stanton Lanier (christian pianist) track currently. Greatly appreciate your views on this please as I am trying to discern if it is wise to continue with the class. Thank you very much!


      • As previously mentioned, I recommend that people renounce yoga and replace it with stretching and calisthenics, or Praise Moves. https://praisemoves.com/


      • Ed, you neglected to address Sirius’s key observation that “many poses in pilates are identical to that in yoga.”

        Sirius: there is _nothing wrong_ with any physical pose in yoga, tai-chi, etc. Some pagans have assigned pagan meanings to those poses in a specifically pagan context — just as, say, Mormons have assigned a cultic meaning to the name “Jesus.” That doesn’t make the _poses themselves_ intrinsically pagan. I’m sure Ed wouldn’t argue that we should stop using the name “Jesus” merely because cultists use the same name in their own false systems.

        Ed and others seem unwilling to recognize this point. But merely rejecting everything instead of _sifting_ isn’t equivalent to discernment. Discernment _sifts_.


      • Good to hear from you again, Andy. Yes, it is challenging as we seek to discern and sift. I have not extensively analyzed Pilates. Sometimes it has been merged with yoga. The issue of serving two masters is key.


      • Ah, I fully agree on the issue of two masters! This is, in fact, THE issue – not whether a given physical pose or movement is used in this or that system. What matters is WHO we’re doing that stretch/pose FOR.


      • Are you practising yoga, Andy? If so, which asanas are you using?


      • I liken a Christian who does yoga to a Cubs fan who wears a Red Sox hat and shirt. It’s just plain off-kilter to the imperative to live your life in Christ’s image in thought, word and deed. My friend and I just hurt our backs and got stiff playing pickleball, but were grateful for those Mayo Clinic stretches you posted. With 2 Aleves, those stretches and a short walk gabbing and strengthening our friendship, we were as good as new — and did not stray from our Lord’s example in the least. It’s easy to be faithful if you also are mindful. Thanks for your strong witness on this! It is appreciated.


      • Tai Chi is a yoga-derived martial art which involves the psychic manipulation of chi/qi energy. I recommend not dabbling in it. I renounced martial arts after 20 years of participation. https://www.google.ca/amp/s/edhird.com/2010/08/29/taekwondo-the-martial-arts-mere-exercise-or-trojan-horse/amp/


  173. Interesting perspective about the Cubs fan wearing Red Sox. It reminds me how interfaith syncretism is becoming more pervasive. The scandal of particularity regarding the Lordship of Jesus Christ is becoming more culturally scandalous and even unthinkable to some otherwise tolerant people. I fully agree that yoga does not have a corner on the market in terms of calisthenics and stretching which I highly recommend.


    • @Ed: I don’t practice yoga _as such_, but I’m sure some of my stretches are also used in yoga.
      As l’ve argued before – and this is incontestable – the stretches themselves are innocent. It’s a matter of what _system_ they’re used in.


      • I am not concerned about any similarities, as there are only so many ways that a person can stretch themselves. In doing calisthenics and stretching, I am not intentionally re-enacting the worship posture of specific Hindu deities, as done in the yogic asanas.


      • [[ I am not concerned about any similarities, as there are only so many ways that a person can stretch themselves. In doing calisthenics and stretching, I am not intentionally re-enacting the worship posture of specific Hindu deities, as done in the yogic asanas. ]]

        Wow. Ed, I’m stunned. I feel like for the first time we’re finally on the same page. Could it possibly be that we’ve been talking past each other this entire time???


      • Quite possibly 😉


  174. 《”I fully agree that yoga does not have a corner on the market in terms of calisthenics and stretching which I highly recommend.”》

    I’ll bet some of those calisthenics and stretches are used in yoga.


  175. It seems like your goal is more to create more division. To keep people giving their power away to an outside authority rather than getting to know the self and trust the self. Instead of just accepting or acknowledging that there are many ways to the God source. In working with energy to goal is to see the unity, but even further, be the unity. This kind of article even though well researched, leaves out what the Christians did to own, control and subjugate the natural world because of their fears and misunderstandings. If God is, was and always will be and same is true of energy, we need to stop anthropomorphizing God.


    • Christianity does see God as person rather than just an energy sourcebbecause He actually came to earth at Christmas. That is why Jesus is called the Word made flesh. We see Jesus as God rather than ourselves.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Then why is God never referred to as She or a Woman and always talking about the Father? Give me a break. When the father’s of Abraham created the 3 Abrahamic religions it was in their own likeness to subjugate those they deemed lesser than them, especially women, to purposely take power away from women, do your research.


      • You’ve been fed a load of hooey. The ancient Jews elevated the status of women far above that of the pagan tribes all around them, and then Christianity improved on that, with Jesus teaching in several instances the priceless and eternal value of women. Quit listening to deceived and ridiculously inaccurate people!

        Liked by 1 person

    • It’s not God and His believers using energy in a hurtful way and blocking unity. It is the opponents of God. We were warned in the Bible that sticking to His Word, and Him, would cause friction and division. So be it. I agree that yoga is anti-Christ and ought not to be practiced by those who follow our Lord. Jesus did what the Father does, and we are to emulate Jesus. Simple! Hope you will see the wisdom in this.


      • I will never see the wisdom in a religion created by man for man. A religion that massacred billions of people all over the world. Such a loving God you have.


      • Jesus is real. Unless you sincerely desire a personal relationship with Him — and all you have to do is, honestly, ask — and get to know Him through Bible reading and study, you remain ignorant of His omniscence, omnipresence, boundless power, and beautiful love. That’s on you, not Him. Ask, sincerely, and He’ll show you He is real.

        As for the idea that Christians “massacred billions” of people, that is tragically ignorant and totally wrong. Who told you that? You need to study that claim, correct your false impression, and tell everyone you spread that libel to that you were dead wrong.

        Please don’t let deception make you miss the truth — and your Savior!

        Liked by 1 person

  176. Pingback: Is yoga just a harmless exercise technique? | Edhird's Blog

  177. Pingback: What is the truth about modern-day yoga? | Edhird's Blog

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